
How can we put America back in the right direction?

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Many people from politicians to religious leaders and average Americans feel that this country is going in the wrong direction: economically, morally, and politically. How DO YOU feel that the country is going in the wrong direction? What DO YOU feel needs to be done? How can we as average Americans let our govt. know we are tired of it and not taking it anymore.? NOW IS THE TIME FOR REAL ACTION AND DISCUSSION TO BEGIN. (We already know that both candidates are more interested in pandering to everyone else but their constituents. So it is up to us Americans to make a stand.)




  1. Since the two current party's leadership have been ignoring the rest of us it is time to remind the US political apparatchik that they are the hired help. If there is an alternative or third  party candidate at any level on the Ballet in November then vote for him and do not vote for the unopposed Republican or Democrat candidate. If every GOP and Dem candidate that was opposed by a third party was defeated and those who ran unopposed got only their families vote then those parties might just wake up and remember that being elected to a government post is not their right but their privilege and they have not lived up to keeping that privilege.

    VOTE THE RASCALS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is either that or a bloody revolution!

  2. I believe we will continue in the wrong direction. Greed has taken over.

    The elected officials get into office to make [steal]money not to do what is best for the country.

  3. Get rid of the party system! I'm sick of having to vote between bleeding-heart hippies who think that we can talk religous fanatics out of blowing us up, and cut military spending, and trigger-happy rednecks who hate anyone who isn't white and American, and want to cut education and healthcare in favour of tax-breaks for the rich. Elect someone who comes from more of the middle, someone who can think for themselves. Someone who doesn't have to tow the party line. Elect someone who will do what's right for the greater good.

  4. My favorite tool is my key board - I am not shy to send e-mails to my elected officials. They need to understand they work for the voters and not the donors. Yet, if we don't tell them our mind - how can they know what we want.

    We are citizens, not subjects, the president serves - he doesn't rule!!!!!!!

  5. We NEED  to be a God  Fearing Nation again.  Invite God back into our lives and schools again.     Remember what that was like.?

  6. Sure.

    Why not?

    With Captain America.

    Never fear Capatin Ameirca is there for you.

    With the instruction manual in hand too.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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