
How can we raise money for a charity organization?

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We operate a Christian charity organization, called Machanyim, and are looking for ways to raise money for support. Machanyim helps people in need with food, clothing, shelter, employment, counseling, and other physical and spiritual needs. Two of the ideas presented to us so far are a charity golf tournament and a walk-a-thon. Any other good ideas?




  1. Bake sale,make jewelry, kid's fun fair, charity basketball tournament, food drive.

  2. Yard sales are always a good source.  Ask your members to donate their unwanted, usable items then have a sale.  You can combine this with a bake sale or a church fair-type of event with games and rides.

  3. Try an egg sale. Start at one end of a block or neighborhood. Explain your organization and ask if the first person would donate one egg to you. Then go to the next house and sell the egg for a donation (Don't set a price). Repeat until the end of the block.

  4. Check with board members, friends, friends of friends of friends to locate 1 or 2 celebrities with the aim of a celebrety golf tourney and celeb auction. Try for support of sports team in your area for an event where ppl pay $50-100+ to play golf (or whatever with a chance at a celeb 4 some or team member) Look for local businesses as hole sponsors etc. Be sure to get hole in one insurance. Go to for companies wo may contribute stuff to help such an event.

    You can also try a dinner with ___ benefit combined with a showcase for local chefs. Because they are shopwcased they may well donate the food as well as cooking it.  

    Try a festival or sport show.   We have groups here doing bike and old car shows, art shows, etc.  as well as singings, concerts, fashion and talent shows.  In a rural area a chili fest (or other local favorite food) can be good combine the favorite food with music, crafts, contests etc.  Let ppl pay for a plate or bowl or the staring food,have cook off teams with entry fees of $100 or more per team (or less depending in your area)

    We and a lot of other Christian ministries also do an onoing program that can bring in a solid and ongoing amount of money.   Our web site for that is if you'd like to take a look.

    Help your board members set personal and group fundraising goals.

    Work and make friends with your local media. Keep your cause before the public.

    See if your sponsoring denomination gives support.

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