Before we went away, my little girl was in a brilliant bed and nap routine. At night I'd get her into her pyjamas after dinner, she'd say 'goodnight', I'd read her a couple of stories and she'd lie down in her cot and go to sleep. At nap time, it was just one book and straight down.
However, while we were on holiday, we were rarely in the same place for more than a couple of days and it was hard to keep up any kind of routine. We also had no cot, so she got used to sleeping with me while my partner camped out on the floor or a nearby sofa!
So now we're home and she just wants to sleep in the 'big bed' with me. Or even without me. She also discovered how to get out of her cot, so we took it down and have put a single bed in her room, which she loves, but will not sleep in!
Any suggestions as to how I can re-establish the previously good sleep routines now??