
How can we recognise and celebrate children's successful activities?

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How can we recognise and celebrate children's successful activities?




  1. Positive reinforcement and encouragement is always best.  You can also give stickers as a reward or a small toy for a huge accomplishment.  Certificates that you make on the computer are great for the kids and their parents who often tape them to the walls at home.

  2. Well, it would be easier if you were more specific. At home or in school? Success at doing what? What age are the children?

    In general, it is best to recognize their success verbally by saying things like "Wow! That's great! You must feel really happy that you did that." Encourage them to recognize how success makes them feel good about themselves, on the inside, rather than outside recognition.

    Too much celebration or praise can make children rely on others rather than enjoying success for its own sake. They will end up working to get that praise or celebration rather than working to feel good about themselves.

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