
How can we reconcile the existence of Biblical Adam and the prehistoric man based on the fossilized evidence.?

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According to the bibles, when Adam came to earth, he already know how to speak and knows the names of all animals. On the other hand, from the archaelogical findings, we know that human had gone through evolution to become what we are today.




  1. I believe the story of Creation is more of story than actual fact.  I believe it to be an extreme over-simplification of actual events in order to explain where we came from to the people living 2000 years ago.

  2. OK first off through research I have done carbon dating is very inaccurate.  A cowboy boot found in a creek was dated as 10,000 years old.  

    Second where is the missing link?  evolution theory there is a transfomation of "man" that is missing no one has found it.

    Third it is a guess as to what each set of bones found by archaelogist are.  Some aminmals have simular bone stucture, but hte are still different animals.  

    About Adam, a baby is born and learns to speak quickly, it take longer for them to learn our language.  Prior to the fall of Babble everyone spoke the same language.  

    Adam did not know the names of all of the aminmals, because prior to him naming them they didn't have names.  that was mans first task given by God.

  3. evolution is the DEVILution! you see how that rhymed?!?! that means its the work of the devil!!!

  4. Time travel. Amen.

  5. Quit buying the evolutionary nonsense!

    Fossils of different organisms similar to homo sapien sapien (that's us) does not mean that we did not co-exist with all the fossilized remains of these other creatures.

    Carbon dating is bunk!

    Don't you think that any entity (God) were intelligent enough to create everything that is in existence He could place the seminal isotopes appropriately to make us believe in Faith rather than have gas chromatographs prove His existence for us?

  6. The Old Testament was an epic poem passed on by an Oral Tradition for at least 3,000 years, unril it was finally written down, in close to its present form, in Hebrew, during the Babylonian captivity, circa 600 BCE...

    What's even more interesting, is that Babylon, which was the home of the Sumerians, also had a Creation Myth, called the "Enuma Elish", which had been written down 2,000 years earlier, and the Hebrew version of Creation is nearly a word-for-word translation in sumarized form, of the older Sumerian Myth...

    Fossil evidence, which systematically and scientifically analizes & documents the development of life on earth, in a logical manner, is not meant to be poetic...

    Science, answers the How; religion, the Why...

  7. Adam knew all animal names? That's crazy hard. Here I am trying to track down which genus the mangabey belongs to and how many species it has and that badass memorized them all? Dude, eating from the tree of intelligence, that dude outsmart god himself in a chess game.

  8. No, that's what the world's view is.  Who is to say that just because God created the earth that it couldn't have happened in 6 days? My God is a powerful one and created all things in their present form and existence to go together and survive.  even darwin rejected his own teachings later in life.  nothing i can say here can answer really adequately so try this site and look unbiasedly and see how u feel.

  9. You can't.  Not logically.

  10. I see Adam and Eve as the first of our primitive ancestors to be "aware" of being human.  In this respect, evolution and the Bible can work together.

    Happened about 160,000 year ago.

  11. One could view Adam as the 1st modern man & all previous hominids as animals that lacked Adam's cognitive abilities. DNA tests do indicate all living humans can trace their ancestry back to an Adam & an Eve.  The problem there is they did not live at the same time.

    Remember the Bible was written, edited & translated many times by very unsophisticated people that had little if any grasp on evolution.  I suspect the whole book would have been destroyed long ago if it mentioned DNA & man's relationship to the great apes.

  12. I would like to believe the biblical version, yet my logical mind tells me the reality.

    SO in my mind, I justify that once "evolved" that was the coming of the Spiritual growth as symbolized by Adam/Eve.

  13. I'm not sure what the point of such a reconciliation would be.  Why not reconcile man's use of fire with Prometheus?  Why not reconcile man's emigration patterns in the western hemisphere with Spider and Rock stories?

    I guess you have to decide if you believe in a supreme being, a God, or not.

    If you decide that you do  believe in a supreme being, then reconcile yourself to the fact that it isn't your job to tell God how He did His.  

    If you do not, ultimately, believe that there is a supreme being, then that makes you personally responsible for your own choices, your impact in the world, and your legacy to the world when you are gone.  While not as comforting as reconciliation with creation stories, it is a great deal more empowering.

  14. Why?

  15. You can't reconcile them, other than to understand that the story of Adam and Eve was meant to illustrate a point, not to be taken literally. Mr. Knowitall is right on. I went to many years of Catholic school were we were taught evolution as well as religion and basically, that's just how it was explained. Makes perfect sense.

  16. You can't.

    The story of Adam and Eve was an early and primitive attempt to explain man's origin.

  17. What fossilized remains?

    Also, Adam was 'in the Spirit' or on a different b4 the fall.

  18. I have a personal theory that if you believe in the bible look in Genesis, twice it mentions that God created man and woman . Genesis ch 1 v. 27in the image of God he him;Male and Female...created he them..(apes)

    Genesis  ch 2v5 and there was not a man to till the the ground... (here comes the thumb)  science has been proving some sort of intervention by not being able to completely connect the humans today with the homosapians over a period of evolution...I am not trying to bring this question into  a religious conversation, but if you want to reconcile this Adam with evolution, this is an interesting far I am not a religious fanatic, but I do believe in a being greater than ourselves...

  19. Adam is allegorical. The word 'Adam' means 'Man' in early Hebrew.  The story of Adam and Eve was never meant to be taken literally.  

    The story was meant to tell us something about the relationship of man, earth and God, and why man is sinful and why life on earth is imperfect.

    If you read the 'creation myths' of various primitive cultures, the story from Genesis is really the best!  It's a great story!  But I think people who insist on taking it literally word-for-word are seriously lacking in imagination.

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