
How can we reduce the ever rising UK fuel costs?

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its time to take a stand! petrol and diesle costs in the uk are at a ridiculously all time high

Unleaded: 127.9p/litre

Diesel: 142.9p/litre

LRP: 121.9p/litre

Super: 135.9p/litre

LPG: 62.9p/litre

it has to stop now.. the tax on these fuels is 70% of the overall price per litre.. which means that for every pound we spend, 70 pence is going straight to the government.





  1. I cant exactly convert your prices over to ours... not sure how; but a gallon of regular unleaded over here (north carolina, USA) *currently* is costing us around $3.90/gallon.  Diesel per gallon is $4.59 in my area.  Trust me... it sucks, but were stuck.  

    I feel your pain!

  2. Thanks for asking this question!  Have a star!

    It may well be 'abit of a palava', but what would make a direct & swift impact is if we switch to: Biodiesel.  It's also much, much better for the environment.

    Check out this link for more info (I hope it loads properly!)   If you have time, scroll down three quarters of the way to watch the 'you tube video' (3.56 long) about biodiesel.     Daryl Hannah is in it.

    (Good answer Terence S!)

  3. If the governement reduced tax on pettrol they would just increase it on road tax/toll roads etc.

    Unfortunately the only thing that would be possible is to boycott petrol altogethor and get bikes/walk etc etc.

    Boycotting the big three petrol stations (as was circulated on the internet a while back) would not make a difference. We get some of the cheapest fuel in Euorpe (pre tac) but when Mr Brown has had his pay out of it it becomes one of the (if not the) most expensive in Europe. The petrol companies are not a fault so a boycott would not be right or work!

  4. Sir David Lord Corningstone, it's people like you that make this country what it is...A joke.  Typical British attitude, we need to stand up, be counted, and voice our oppinions and get it sorted.  We need a revolution, but i guess you'll be hiding behind your curtains when it kicks off.

    Edit:  The price of diesel per barrell has come down this week, but i guarantee you forcourt prices will still increase this weekend.

  5. Nothing

    how can we control supply and demand across the world. Oil is running out. I'd rather pay double for it now, and have some left when I'm 60 than use it all up now while it's cheap, and it is ... it'll get a LOT more expensive

    If you don't like the cost of petrol, get a bike

    EDIT: OK, if they cut tax there, they'll have to add it on somewhere else, I'd rather it be on oil than say pay 20% VAT

  6. Change the government

  7. use air powered vehicles

  8. Good question,please ignore the idiot who doesnt have a clue.

    Though it is true that supply and demand is the major factor in the rising cost of crude,the fuel tax in this country is extraordinarily high.

    Whilst the cost of crude remains high,the treasury is raking in billions of extra revenue in fuel taxes.The high prices actually benefit the treasury and the incompetent Brown needs to fill the black holes he created as chancellor and PM.

    The only way to reduce the cost of fuel,that is driving up the cost of living,is to remove the incompetent and corrupt government.Even if brown was to make a cursory concession to appease the angry electorate,he would simply raise stealth taxes elsewhere.

    We must lobby for the removal of the New Labour government.

  9. Nelly, bio fuels sounds a good answer but this shifts the cost elsewhere. I'm surprised that lessons are not learned from previous experience. I'm not sure of the decade but it could have been in the eighties when Brazil decided that, because they were spending too much money on importing oil, they would increase the production of sugar cane and produce ethyl alcohol, by fermentation of the sugar, to replace gasoline. In doing so the land available for food production was much reduced and they had to spend the money saved, by reduced imports of oil, on importing food. The same is happening around the world now. There is a food shortage and food prices are rocketing. Electric or hydrogen powered transport is the answer. The electricity could be produced by renewable sources, wind (not reliable), solar, Hydro electric, wave power, tidal power, nuclear fission and hopefully fusion in the not to distant future.

  10. We should do what the lorry drivers did and perhaps we should all stop filling up for a week but that needs everyone not just a few people

  11. I just read an interesting article that the price per barrel of oil has gone down because demand has gone least in the United States.  The price from one country went down 10% and 13% from another country.  Hopefully we'll see this decrease at the pumps soon but I'm not holding my breath.

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