
How can we reduce the power loss in elecrtical line and load?

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How can we reduce the power loss in elecrtical line and load?




  1. By finding some way of reducing the resistance   of the line. Silver is the best conductor but it's too expensive to use. Copper is number two followed by gold which is out of the question. The copper lines could be made larger in diameter which would reduce the resistance but that would cause a weight problem. Maybe fiber optics is the answer with converters to make AC from the signal. Some phone companies do it but the signal is converted to DC with an inducer.

  2. by increasing voltage. I^2r =loss

    I don't think fiber optics carry electrical current. The phone companies change the signal to pulsed DC for transmission thru regular phone lines

  3. We all know that electrical losses depends on the current passing through the resistor,so by reducing the current we can reduce the electrical losses.

    That is by the step up transformer between the generator and the line of conduction.

    About the load : the load is considered as power consuming target so it is not considered as a lossing resistor-or impedence-.

  4. One can reduce the power loss in a line by using the optimum conductor/wire size required for a definite current load. Also because, power Loss = I.I.R, I, the current can be reduced by increasing the line power factor to an optimum value of 0.95 for motor and lighting loads.

  5. 1.  To reduce the power loss in an electrical transmission line that has a fixed resistance:

        Use transformers to step up the voltage as high as practical at the output of the voltage source and step it down at the input to the load. This reduces line current and thus reduces power dissipated in the line resistance.

    2.  To reduce the power loss at the load:

         Just prior to the load use capacitive or inductive phase shifters to r****d or advance the load current so that it is as close as possible to being in phase with the load voltage. This will increase the power factor and thus reduce the load current and also by a smaller amount the line current.  The reduction in load current and line current reduces power losses in both cases.

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