
How can we save endangered plants?

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How can we save endangered plants?




  1. Education, people need to know there is a problem first. I don't hear much about plant species.

  2. When we talk about saving endangered species, we are normally referring to animal life, although you have touched upon another important area of conservation.  Plant species are constantly dying out and for that reason many scientists have begun to study ways to preserve them.  I think there's a pilot project at the University of California to freeze and study seeds in an attempt to determine how to save them.  Individually, however, there is little you and I can do short of taking care not to unduly cause adverse environmental effects on both animals and plants.  Some people have also tried to preserve prairie lands by transplanting endangered species into their own back yards, but that requires both time, space and money.  For now, we have to rely on the scientific communityy to come up with more comprehensive ways to save endangered plants.

  3. Okay... you are a good boy!!!

    Stop using wireless technologies like cellphone, because it affects the bees community. By planting a big plant or even a small plant, we can give these small animals or insects to live on. Help comes most from ordinary people, not from people who owns a company or an environmentalist. Saving water can lessen toxic for animals, so we should save. Stop hunting. You might not be hunting, but I'm sure, atleast there's a time in our life that we hurt animals, and it's about time to stop hurting them. We should also stop squeezing these small insects for fun. Just staying away from them is enough. Donation will also do good. Using less energy can lessen the burning of coal, if many of us will do it too. When burning of coal ends, then global warming effects can lessen, thus melting ice will stop melting, and there will still be place for polar bears, penguins, wolf, and others to live.

  4. By protecting the habitat through stopping feral animals damaging and eating them, by stopping weeds from spreading and replacing them and through stopping tourists from trampling them in an attempt to make a tourist attraction out of them.

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