
How can we save our natural resources?

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How can we save our natural resources?




  1. stop using natural resources

  2. save energy,

    use more of day light.

    go for solar energy.

    use tfl bulbs every where.

    don't cut trees, plant more and more in around your community.

    use paper less techniques.

    use public transport where ever possible.

    use less of plastic.

    don't pollute revers.

    rain water harvesting cultivate.

    bring in awareness in the people what ever the way you can.

  3. check out dis website

  4. Drive your car less often and keep your car maintained - Bike, walk, car-pool or use public transportation. If you do use your car, plan to make several stops during each trip. Keep tires properly inflated (soft  tires use up to 5% more energy) and get regular tune-ups (non-maintained vehicles emit 5 times the pollutants as well maintained cars).


    Use environmentally friendly products - Check product labels to avoid toxic ingredients whenever possible. Look for words such as CAUSTIC, POISON OR CORROSIVE. If you must purchase products that contain toxic ingredients, buy only what you will use up.  


    Recycle - Check with your municipality to find out if additional items are being collected.


    Conserve water - Keep a jug of water cold in the refrigerator rather than letting the tap run. Water your lawn in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid evaporation. Don’t let the water run when shaving or lathering up in the shower.


    Conserve energy with household products - Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs and always check the Energy Guide on new products to buy the most energy efficient model you can get.


    Conserve heating and cooling energy - Set your thermostat at the lowest comfortable temperature in the winter (setting it back at night) and as high as possible in the summer (using fans will make the air seem cooler).


    Use your organics - Switch to a mulching mower or attachment to grass-cycle (returning nutrients to your soil) and consider an electric, battery or solar powered mower. Start a compost pile with your leaves and food scraps to make your own garden soil conditioner.


    Shop for durable products - Quality appliances and products that can be repaired may be higher priced but will be cheaper in the long run. Look for items rated high by Good Housekeeping or Consumer Reports.


    Reduce and reuse - Avoid over-packaged products that will produce extra trash. Take canvas bags with you when you shop or reuse bags from previous shopping trips and resist the convenience  of disposables (razors, pens, paper plates, cameras and plastic cutlery).


    Donate unwanted items for others to reuse. One man’s trash is truly another man’s treasure!

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