
How can we stop Serbia joining the EU?

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Isn't frightening to see that the greatest war criminals, like Karadzic, have so much support in Serbia (and not only there). It is a country utterly devided. Their entry will degrade the EU even more.




  1. wow that measure's a bit radical, though we should definitely have a level of political stability as a prerequisite for entry intro the Union... something like the model used in bulgaria and romania would be good. they enter the EU on probation, and while they de receive funds and certain benefits, they do not have full membership and are not members of the Schengen area. if theres any irregularities, we can cut off or reduce the funds (see what happened to corrupt bulgaria) until its sorted out, and once that problem is solved start sending in funds again.

  2. Past 1997 being up to 'standard' has not been an issue in new accession countries (apart from Turkey), so you want to punish the majority of Serbs for the crimes of a minority?

  3. We could say the same about Germany and it's support of Hitler, or the UK, who are the inventors of Concentration Camps.

    We HAVE to move on in this world or we will destroy ourselves.

  4. We can stop that by sending one of ours to university, make him get a MA in business and an MS in engineering, sending him off to a financial consulting group for ten years and then having him apply for president of the central bank. Thereby he will be supervising the flow of the money and can subtract money from the banks who support Serbia joining in.

  5. France are in it, and they are the biggest nation of ignorant tossers on the planet, so do a swap would suit me.


  7. no need to worry

    they will never join

  8. Is it possible to degrade the EU even more?

    They are beneath contempt already.

    Yes, bring on Serbia, China, Libya and all the other 'Europeans'.

    I don't mind supporting their hungry masses whilst the French, German and Italian (not to mention Blair,  Mandelson, Patterson, Kinnock) supremos swell their bank accounts.

  9. Sit down, shut up, and enjoy this great new source of labor. They are a hard working bunch.

  10. I'd welcome Serbia into the EU with open arms, their nationalism is a bright and refreshing change, from all the weak lilly - livered liberalism most of the countries of the EU adhere to.

  11. Serbia is a fresh breeze in fake EU society, the country that still has standards and laws, country with smiling people and happy children, with hard working men and women and with a bright future. EU needs Serbia much more than Serbia needs EU.

    Why not to accept pure Au in EU ? Is your past and history better or richer than Serbian?

    Serbs were the live shield against islamization of Europe for centuries. Serbian people were manipulated for EU purposes and now is time for paying back, don't you think?

    Or other European nations have less blood on their hands?

    Degrading degraded is impossible.

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