
How can we stop congress from giving away all our money?

by Guest55760  |  earlier

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Senate passed a bill giving away 48 billion dollars of our money to help Gobal Aids. Yes it is a noble effort but, how about us? Should we not help our own country before others? Everyone should contact their state rep and voice their thought.




  1. I do know voting them out won't change anything other than the names of the politicians who will still give away America

  2. If you're unhappy with your congressperson or senator, don't vote for them.  They decide where all monies the government received go.

  3. You're lucky to live in the USA. In the UK we have a government who taxes us to the hilt so that they can pour billions of our pounds into that useless organisation called the European Union, to the third world, most of whom try to come here to join our already large number of people living off state benefits.

    The Government this week has committed us to the European Union without the referendum they promised us in their election manifesto. The referendum was cancelled because the government knew that they would lose it by an overwhelming number of votes. Only the Republic of Ireland had the courage to put it in the hands of their people by having a referendum.

  4. Thats fine, what about our jobs they help get rid of and billions of dollars of trade deficits, they do  not give a rip aboout our military either, the big reason they are helping out the Freddie/fannie mac is so the world will not know what a bunch or rogue criminal heartless people are soaking the AMerican people and its future, McCain will be a worse presidnet then the one we have, they just want to run the well dry so there is not anything left for anyone but the criminal s leaving with the loot, its will be in their pocket and there wont be anything left to do,  I would rather see it go to aids then rebuild nations we destroy and spend trillions to do nad give the moeny to benefit those in our administration that have connections to the companies they hire!!!!

  5. Dose revolt mean anything .

  6. Vote out all incumbents

  7. You influence congress by writing your congress(wo)man, and by voting responsibly.  

    Is this a question, or a political agenda?

  8. Disband the military, then we should have plenty of money.

  9. there really is no way to stop Congress, unless there is a massive strike. They should help us first because well it is our money, they should use other money to do stuff like this and pay off their debts. We need money now because of our economy situation.

  10. Overthrow the government...

  11. nothing can stop the beast we can stab with our steel knives we are all just prisoners here of our own making. those are past words from the Eagles i knew that all those songs would come in handy one day seems they are telling us the story of our sad situation. we have to go back to warn the framers of the Constitution about this and maybe they can re-write it beam me up Scotty

  12. that's your democrats save the world!!!!!!!!! Wait till Obama comes in with his aid to Africa he all ready has a poverty bill in place.

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