
How can we stop global warming apart from stopping excess co2 usage and recycling?

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How can we stop global warming apart from stopping excess co2 usage and recycling?




  1. Simple answer, we can't stop it! Most of warming and cooling is natural, and we should stop being so vain as to believe that we humans are masters of the universe!

  2. Cutting down on CO2 emissions and recycling are all very well, but it's a bit like bailing out a sinking ferry with a teacup.  Most greenhouse gases come from animals.  In the long run, the problem is self-correcting.  It will get too hot and wet and most animals (including humans) will die out.  With no more breathing and farting, the world will slowly cool until new animals evolve to spoil it all again.

    The alternative is to plant a lot of trees - and to stop burning the timber.  Trees are an excellent way of taking CO2 and methane out of the atmosphere and the carbon is stored in the timber until it rots of burns.  10,000 years ago, we had 3 times as much forest as we have now.  Put it back and global warming will reverse.  The only problem is that it would involve international cooperation on an unprecedented scale and there are far more votes in war.

  3. Reduce the carbon footprint from 23 toes to 11 toes. Those 12 extra carbon toes are killing penguins, later they'll kill us. Chop those toes off now.

  4. Global warming is a natural phenomenon and our influence on it is very limited. We should not pollute our planet but short of moving to Mars our effect on global warming is negligible

  5. unless you can show that there is money in it, not a chance.

  6. by stopping being so boring might help...get a life

  7. Reduce the amount of people on the planet.

  8. Bin all the cars in the world

  9. We can't best get ready.

  10. Turn your heating down 2 degrees C than normal and wear a jumper if your cold! Dont leave things on standby and insulate your house.

  11. i'm not totaly convinced that the reasons we are given for global warming are fact.But i do know that destroying the rainforests is going to be one of the human races biggest regrets as an intelligent race we need to stop destroying our planet otherwise global warming will be the least of our problems.People in third world countries are doing the least damage,yet they are the ones who are suffering most.Maybe we could learn somthing from them !

  12. we should drive hybrid cars.

  13. i think to really stop global warming we have to stop using energy we don't need to. if you only drive a car that is small unless you have a big family, think of all the people who drive a big car that do not need a car that size and how much extra co2 that causes. if we all turned our lights off when were not using them and get energy saying light bulbs. even walk or cycle to work or if you live to far away use public transport as that would take hundreds of cars off the road!!!

  14. how about spread the word to encourage more people to be concious of the environment adn to do their bit ;0)

  15. dont use your car.and walk to work.

  16. First and foremost we should be lobbing the MP's to stop various organisations from cutting down the rain forests as well as any trees for that matter.It will help the environment and also save many endangered species.Killing two birds with one stone if you'll excuse the pun.

  17. Please let our country leader play their roles. Layman like us could not do much!

  18. I don't want do sound too dismal, but as the bible says, man will destroyed the world by his own ingenuity.

  19. there is only one solution.

    Reduce the worlds population.

    but greed will never let it happen.

  20. we cud send the sun 100,000 km from the sun

  21. Reforestration (in a word, planting trees). As the trees grow, they take CO2 out of the air.

    But if we do not stop excess CO2 emissions, we will not be albe to stop global warming.  Fortunately, it is NOT a matter of choosing between that and economic well-being. In fact, contrary to the propaganda of the coal and oil companies, getting off fossil fuels will help the econommy and consumers, not hurt.

    Think about it.  here's two examples:

    >the use of compact flourescent bulbs requires a few bucks up front--but the bulbs last much longer, so it evens out. And it cuts your electric bill--you save money in the long run.

    >a car with a fuel efficient engine need not be more expensive--and it can cut the use of gas by 30-50% That's a lot of money.  

    All that money--from these and other products--can then be spent on oter things, stimulating the economy.  New technology and things like converting homes to energy efficient systems provide/create jobs. And so on.

    The point: are there some costs that are simply costs, involved in cutting CO2 emissions? Sure. But MOST of the things we need to dowill save money, create new business and jobs, or otherwise help the economy. Even if global warming wern't an isue, it simply makes good sense to quit using fossil fuels. They are an obsolete technology, dating from the 1800s--and have outlived their usefulness.

  22. Turn back time, only thing that will do it and as governments not worked out how to do this they have to charge us for something else.

    What caused the earth to warm up ending the ice age? etc, global warming due to mammoth farts?

    No, natural progression, same as now. whatever we do will make no difference, same as giving the government all my cash now will do sod all to stop it.

  23. Nobody will like this answer but the simple fact is there are too many people living on this planet.

    Bizarrely our cardboard which is left out for recycling is shipped to China, now how green is that?

  24. the only way to save this planet would be for the human race to all die at the same time

  25. With all the things we have allredy done I can only think of leaving the fridge door open.

  26. So it is written that the Earth will be destroyed by fire .Of whose making  I know not ,or as to what natural phenomenon will be the cause.

  27. we dont use too much CO2 we produce is as a bi product through many moder day practices such as burning fossil fuels to make power, run cars.

    There are also other problems such as methan production which is 21 times more warming as a greenhouse gas than CO2 which is produced when biodegradable matter rots (such as inlandfill) and when organic matter is digested (cows produce a lot)

    recycling helps stop methane production, used less energy (created by burning fossil fuels) to make a new product rather than from virgin materials and helps reduce deforestation...trees take in CO2 to live and grow

    there are many things we can do to take more care of our environment.....i am not sure if global warming is a natural or man made phenomina or a mixture but we need more respect for the world we live in!!!

  28. Hi

    ummm well,

    how about we all make love in the dark and use candles isntead of electric and become warmer people instead of cold so we dont need artifical heat?

    just a  thought!



  29. Turn off all these computers that we are using to engage in reading and contributing to questions like yours.

  30. whenever I go for a curry I bring a cork to insert afterwards up my rusty star.

    It works extremely well and is ecologically superbulish in the extreme.

  31. We can't, it will happen whatever we do

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