
How can we stop the global warming hysteria?

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  1. We can't stop global warming! we can only slow it down!

  2. Easy - stop the problem at its source.  Reduce human greenhouse gas emissions.  No problem = no hysteria.

  3. We could stop the hysteria by taking positive actions to deal with it.

  4. Kidnap all the scientists in the world.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.


  6. If enough chickens believe the sky is falling, nothing will change their hysteria.  Time is the only answer.  Unfortunately by then a lot of countries will have their economies needlessly in shambles.

  7. I think we'll either have to wait it out or make a coup d'etat. I for one, think the coup d'etat is the best solution.

  8. If the new report on sun activity and lack of sun spot is correct you won't have to wait much longer!

    We are heading for another little ice age. Better start burnin the fossil fuels so it stays warm!

  9. Inform yourself. Then inform others. The truth will prevail as long as it has a voice.

  10. Whilst we have been worrying about this global warming scam, the powers that be are rubbing their hands with glee. WE are being led down the line that has detracted populations from the REAL threat which has been slowly and stealthily being put into operation, Where as the supposed  GLOBAL WARMING false scare is a COMPLETE fabrication, a smoke screen, that is allowing them to work on their FUTURE plan unhindered. By the time we realise we have been sold a LEMON,/DOWN the river, or 'PUP' as the Brits call it, it will be TOO LATE to do anything about it.

    Check out the findings for the real reason for this global warming scam. It involves our politicians/leaders, who meet every year under the guise of the G8 summits allegedly for under developed countries. It's for finding out and advising how their plans for their future dominance are going. One part of their plan is making headway: I am referring to the EU.

    Just take time out to see the reason for yourselves. Go to 'Google'...... then go to Google videos....then type in "Global warming or global governance" .    This Video is 80 minutes long *please* stay the course to the end as all will be revealed. Believe me this is no windup/joshing, or joke.

  11. I imagine you're one of the brave deniers of global warming, hu?  The big corporations must love guys like you.  

    How do you stop the concern?  You got to find more and dumper Americans.  This shouldn't be too hard.  Americans are the dumbest people on the planet at the moment.

  12. idk, but it's driving me nuts!  when will people wake up and see that "global warming" is all a hoax?????  well, we'll get the last laugh.  in ten years, when everybody has realized that it wasn't real, all of us "non-believers" will just laugh and say TOLD YOU SO!

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