
How can we stop the infiltration of other countrys ruling our economy, investing and political power?

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Makes me sick to see our sovernty being ruled by so many other countrys starting a bussiness and ruling or getting rich when rules are made to protect them in insurance, labor and all different industries. one on my mind right now is "LABOR READY" dependable and temorary labor. US puerto Rico canada and UK -- being a self owned bussiness I see how the laws are made to push me to them because of insurance purposes which they have been groomed to asorb the profits




  1. The answer is that you cannot. The United States grew to be the largest commercial power in the world through trade and commerce, and that necessarily flows two ways. Lax regulation of the financial sector allowed hundreds of US-based global corporations to rake in billions for the whole (unprecedented) 17 years of sustained economic growth that the world experienced, but that same lax regulation has also allowed the excesses that were partly responsible for sparking the economic slowdown we are all entering into. That you are now personally feeling the pinch is evidence of this.

    Going isolationist is an option for the United States, but here's what it would involve: Foreign banks and governments could bankrupt the US Federal Reserve overnight, wiping out the value of the US dollar, which is currently supported by trillions of dollars of foreign debt - that is, money that you as an American owe banks in Asia, as a result of the economic policies of many of your previous and (especially) the current US government. It would also mean that your oil price would roughly quadruple overnight, although in practice, you simply wouldn't be able to get fuel, as it would be reserved for government, military, crucial transport and industry. Stocks you hold in almost any industry would also be next to worthless, as the industry wouldn't be able to function, or if it could, its commodities couldn't be exported. Foreign stocks or money you have in foreign bank accounts would be inaccessible. The good news is that you would have enough to eat, for a while: The US produces much more food than it needs, although it fails to do this economically, and farms rely on government subsidies to remain profitable - a situation that couldn't continue if the currency became worthless. After a few months of riots and the deaths of a few hundred thousand people, a working economy would finally stabilise, but generally it would be harder for you to buy anything, eat anything, or have anything you want.

    The cheap food, housing, consumer electronics, the unrestricted business environment you enjoy, and the nearly unparalleled social freedoms you have are all the product of the United States of America's most important motto: We are open for business. USA got to where it was by adhering to that motto, and your government has spent the last 20 years requesting, inciting, and bullying other countries to drop their tariffs and trade barriers to make it easier for everyone to do business. Now that the US is encountering a rough patch, you might start seeing that other people have money to spend too.

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