
How can we stop the relentless population growth in China & India - a global warming recipe for disaster?

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How can we stop the relentless population growth in China & India - a global warming recipe for disaster?




  1. U dont worry its our problem we will take care of our country India and the china is also having some family planning control I think.

  2. Wow... let me see if I can walk through this mine field without blowing anything up... Both countries you mention are modernizing it is true. Their emissions on their vehicles are set at a much higher standard for clean air than is found in either the United States or Europe! I can not speak for their coal burning electrical plants, but I can speak for a major un-said cause of green house gasses, International Airports and Jet powered Aircraft!

    Stopping the production of greenhouse gasses is no longer a fix to the problem... DID YOU GET THAT!!!! MOTHER NATURE CAN NO LONGER PROCESS THE AMOUNT OF CO2 IN THE AIR NOW!!! We as a race have killed off the plankton and the old groth trees to the point where the super storms will continue to get worse every year!

    Carbon dioxide dissolves in water, and once dissolved can chemically react with water to form carbonic acid. CO2 + H2O --> H2CO3 How much carbon dioxide has been absorbed by the ocean like this? Figures just released say that 40% is being absorbed into the oceans of OUR World! The 40% I mention is a recent development... it has to do with the "An increase in the Rate of change in the amount of CO2 per year". It has been 7-10 years since Mother Nature could absorb and process CO2... and we are dumping even more and more... next year it will be 43%, 2009 54%... with the loss of trees, and algae, we are dooming the planet.

    The rate of increase in CO2 has been accelerating far more than has been released in this country. All of the US predictions of polar ice melting in 50-100 years are based on a 1990's 1.3% increase of CO2. In 2000 this growth rate was listed as 3.3% a year.

    By Doyal Rice, "The researchers calculate that global carbon-dioxide emissions were 35% higher in 2006 than in 1990."

    In the next paragraph it reads, "What's especially troubling, notes lead author Josep Canadell of Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, is most climate scenarios used by scientists and policymakers to predict temperature increases are based on the 1.3% rise."

    later in the article was, "Carbon sinks (Mother Nature) were keeping up with the increased emissions, but now they're not."

    The polar ice melting raises ocean levels. More sea water means more weight on the tectonic plates. More weight means more earth quakes and volcanoes. Pick your take on the end results, but the rate of natural disasters per year is on the rise. Many have said this will not raise the ocean level... and to a minor point they are right. The melting of the inland glacier ice no longer held back from running into the oceans will!

    I have been working on a book for reversing the effects of Global Warming for two years now... and it will take several more cities being destroyed for those with the gold to listen.



  3. Only by cutting off their ability to pay for high nutrition western food.  Like maybe hiring Americans to make Barbie dolls and do 24 x 7 tech support instead of Chinese and Indians.

  4. Well you've hit the nail on the head, we desperately need to reduce this planets human burden but in our present way of doing things we can't do anything about China and India and other places that are going down the same road, and I think making them wealthy is making the problem even worse because that will only exacerbate the problem. The only thing that might happen is they suffer total environmental collapse, when they no longer have non polluted water to drink, or clean air to breathe and the ecosystem in general ceases to function and can no longer replenish and cleanse itself, this is starting to happen already and will only go downhill from here

    until masses of people start dying from diseases caused by the pollution, and maybe then they'll get it.

  5. Who's "we"?  Those are sovereign countries, and if history is any guide the only thing that will make them have fewer children is more education and material prosperity.

    As for global warming, the USA with its population of 300 million still produces more greenhouse gases than China with its population of 1 billion.  If we want to improve the environment, then starting at home is a good idea.

  6. atom bombs ?   No you cant    Its all down to education

  7. Lead by example. Lets start by eliminating you from the gene pool.  then bury your carbon way deep where it will not return to the atmosphere.

  8. It is not up to us to do this.  China, by the way, has laws which limit population growth: 1 child per family.  If a man and woman want to have a 2nd child they have to get permission from the government.

    What is needed in India is more education about responsible family planning; but this is up to India to work out the details.

  9. What right do we have to do that?

  10. china are doing very well as it happens they are limited to one child per couple,

    as for india well we just give up? a total lost cause?

    anyway half of the indians are over ere

  11. Blah blah blah global warming blah blah blah blah The meak shall inherit the earth watch out

  12. what about the population in the rest of the world, why do china and india always get such a hard time, they are just trying to catch up with us to make living better for themselves like we did, just because we've got it good, doesn't mean nobody else can.

  13. man made global warming is a myth... put your mind to better use on more relevant subjects.

  14. Lets get our own country in order before the Royal WE go interfering in China or India It is a lot safer to walk round India alone than it is in the UK they still have some family values.

  15. Apparently it isn't safer to walk around India that a UK city;

    There is a school of thought that says that Indian and Chinese economic growth will stagnate due to the extreme and inherent corruption in both societies.

  16. both china and India had programs to slow population increase.

    the Chinese had a program called "one child family" in which the forbid couples to have more than one child, this program was effective and is still operative, but rural population ignored the program, however, it kept Chinese population growth at a minimum.

    India had a program to stop people from having children, by medical intervention, this program was discontinued, and was heavily criticized as being cruel. even inhuman, and very unjust, so population control is ineffective in India.

    But population increase is at it's highest in other countries, mainly Muslim countries in the middle east and Africa, in these countries the governments and religious institutions object any form of population control, for example, in Egypt, the minister in charge of population control boasted that he only had 8 children.

  17. we cannot - but we cant also cant resrict India or china growing industrially because the west did - so that is not fair

  18. Like charity, your comments should begin at home.

    There are pleanty of families in the UK with 3, 4, 5 or more kids (especially single mums and immigrant families) !

    The Chinese government took steps to control population growth quite some time ago now, so get of their case and do your homework properly !!

    As for India, well, their solution is send their people abroad and since we are all too stupid or lazy to stop them, it' sour own fault !!

  19. Rigid social, economic, industrial, and population control policies, rigidly enforced, for several generations.  The benefits themselves will assure their continuance, but only after people have lived within and reaped said benefits for full lifetimes.  The current generation and the living preceding generations are filled with most of the guilty party themselves, and are happy to ensure the perpetuation of the extant free market.  The lack of corporate/industrial responsibility and the shameful poverty/population record of the nations will also have to be changed/eliminated.  Such an authoritarian government would have to be diligent in efforts to stay on target and not let power degenerate its holders.  Is it worth it?  It would mean revolution.

  20. First of all, the fundamentals of this question are weak. The growing population of India and Pakistan has a very little contribution towards global warming. Infact, the common belief to blame the third world is a misconception and absolutely wrong.

    Global warming can stop if "we" stop driving our cars. It can be saved if "we" stop using airconditioners the whole year round. It can stop if "we" contribute to the economic support of the developing nations.

    We all love the game of blame but lets play it fairly at least!

  21. why do 'we western people' have any right to say whether people in other countires can have a family.

    Blimey, the population in the UK (or USA if thats where your from) is getting quite 'out of control' as well. In the town where i live, there are houses being built on top of each other, road networks, schools etc cant cope now but what will happen in 5 years or more.

    Why do peopel want to control others so much its disgraceful

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