
How can we tell when he who judges is no longer worthy to do so?

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How can we tell when he who judges is no longer worthy to do so?




  1. No one is qualified to judge. We all fall short of perfection. Our job is to understand not judge.

  2. I'm inclined to say that were some one appointed to this position of power it would not be without reason, and therefore, generally accepted.  However, if his/her worthiness has come into question, this would not be without reason as well.  If some one's worth is able to be questioned, is it worth at all?  I don't think so.  I like this question a lot!  Thanks.

  3. i really dont understand the question

  4. Some would say when the majority of those listening say that he is unfit to judge.

    Or medical advice that says that the "marbles are leaving, before it is time."

    Or the actions other than judging are erratic and unstable?

    Or when the 'punishment' no longer  fits the crime?

    Interesting qu.  Thanks

  5. Generally speaking,

    He will be allowed to continue to judge far longer than he deserves to.  Only when the stinch of hypocrisy becomes unbearable will we seek to intervene

  6. As soon as one judges, which is subjective in nature, that one has proven that said one does not hold within themselves the wisdom to judge.

    Each is as each is, no more and no less. being perfect in being that which it is in this present moment.

    Be well.

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