
How can we trust Palin to be VP when she can't even give her kids good names?

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Trig? Piper? Bristol? Poor kids!!




  1. Who are you to judge how she names her kids?

    As a human right, we have the freedom of speech and that means we can name our kids basically anything we want (we aren't' allowed to name them curse words).

    Even though I do'nt know your name I bet you anything its strange to people in other countries, get over yourself.

  2. Who cares what she names her kids

  3. For God Sake, STOP with the Ridiculous So-Called Questions....what does this have to do with the Election? This comes from a Democrat.

  4. Man, we women are soo freaking trifling.   We want the men to give us equal pay for what we are worth and rights for the women here we are with a woman V.P. and we are not supporting her.   She's every American kids TYPICAL mom, only with the executive position and power and we shot her down.   GO WOMEN!   It's typical of us to cat fight.    

  5. I am more concerned that her priorities are not in order.If her career comes before family then what happens?The teens get pregnant and having another kid after 40,what was she thinking?

  6. Maybe if you were Alaskan it would make sense.

  7. well look at some of our favorite actors kids names, apple, winthrop, knox, diezel, denim, i met a boy named atticus and his brother was napoleon. how about these normal people that are not famous daughters name is kylie....normal, her best friend is KaiLei, pronounced the same way, my best friend named her son bryson, and there is kali gwendolyn....are we bad moms? alot of moms name their children weird things......

    my daughters name literally translates into boomerang beautiful

    Kylie Belle

  8. If you are choosing a president by how their VP names her kids....well, I pray for our country!!!

  9. She is an American and therefore able to name her children whatever she wants to name them.  Just like you can name yours whatever you want.  

  10. who cares what she names her kids, that has nothing to do with her being VP.

  11. I think she has the same problem as Bristol's boyfriend, she doesn't know when to pull out!

  12. I agree the names are pretty ridiculous. Just like a celebrity though. Though her kids names have nothing to do with her VP abilities. Besides, she is just eye candy for McCain and he only chose a woman because he wants to take Clintons supporters from Obama. Their both losers in my book.

    OBAMA 2008!

  13. I think the names are weird as well but that is a popular thing to do I guess...I don't think it has anything to do with her VP abilities...

  14. Are you JOKING? First of all, honestly, I think that names are cool. Secondly, like others have said, they hold absolultely NO BEARING on her VP abilities.

    Think deeper into what you are questioning. To me, this seems sexist. And I'm not just saying that. I really mean it. She isn't just a mom, she wears many hats. Deal with it.

  15. And what do their names have to do with how well she can do as a V.P?.

  16. ROFL. My thoughts exactly! Track and Trig? her son is a math problem? Bristol, Piper and Willow. Shes as bad as the celebrities!

    I feel so sorry for those kids! honestly, though i neither support Obama or McCain, so i have nothing against her. I just couldnt help take notice of their awful names!

    I myself have rare but nice name and it is hard enough for me that it is rare. My heart always goes out to kids punished with horrible names!

  17. Haha, I agree, isn't one of them named Track as well?

  18. It isn't her kids' names that is an issue (though she really could have given them names that would get get them beaten up).  The issue I have with her and her husband's parenting (or lack thereof) is her daughter getting pregnant by accident.

    I look at that and feel pity for the children who obviously are not being given enough attention and love, as their mother is running around playing politics.  Teen pregnancy is not normal- it happens because children are not brought up properly.  I can't imagine any other reason why her girl would not follow Palin's strict rules on abstinence.

    Does the husband work too?  Or is the little girl responsible for taking care of the other four, as she was taking care of the baby at the convention during her mother's speech?

  19. What will she name her illegitimate grandkid?

  20. wow thats really rude.  what do their names have to do with her being a good vice president??

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