
How can we trust someone who makes such bad decisions?

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He is still trying to defend going into Iraq.;_ylt=Am56R_wNAQcRIc8gSm7BICOyFz4D

Duh, 70% of the nation now thinks that was a bad idea. Iraq never attacked us nor harbored terrorists, and McCain thinks it is wise to defend this action?




  1. Bill Clinton thought it was necessary:

    I guess we should have waited till Saddam violated over 20 U.N. Resolutions instead of just 19.

    Always remember, 80% of Americans only know what they hear on the news which is not always the full story.

  2. One more reason on a list of many not to vote for McCain. He is a disaster in the waiting.

  3. Yeah I don't trust Biden.

  4. Bad Decisions

    like hanging out with William Ayers the Terrorist

    ya that would tend to have a negative impact on how people view your judgement

    especially considering the fact that Ayers intent with blowing up buildings was to destroy government property and kill people

    Ayers got off on a technicality but obama wont get off on having sat in his house and start his political career in chicago

    very very bad move Barry  

  5. We can't, McCain has made so many bad decisions in the last 8 years, specifically backing George Bush's policies.

  6. We can't and I don't.

  7. if the world were as simple as you see it you might have a point....

    ...but then again, a lot of people would have to wear helmets...

  8. Precisely why 99.5% of Americans aren't in government. The day the average Joe gets to make foreign policy decisions based on the ramblings of the liberally biased media is the day we should scratch out US and simply change it to Iran, or maybe China.

    And Cloud (nice name but your judgement is clouded) if you bother checking beyond His Almighty commercials, other than the narrow 7 months that Obama uses to formulate his 90% vote match to Bush, OBAMA voted more often with Bush than McCain did, lol. I find it funny and scary that you have no clue who you're voting for.

  9. Easy question- WE CANT trust an old f**t


    obama will put this country back on a path of excellence and respect.

    in this current government no one likes us abroad we have no friends

    obama will heal this country

    mccain is a war hero but that doesnt mean he should be president, maybe president of the VA

    mccain is for the super elite so if your not making 200 mil a year YOU SHOULDNT BE VOTING FOR HIM!!

    its time to stop the super elite from running this country- vote for the common man


  10. We've won in Iraq and are now working on an exit strategy.  I think that's wise considering how we didn't have much of an entry strategy which one of the big gripes about the war.  

    So I take it that you feel that Obama's decisions to associate himself with the likes of Renko, Rev. Wright, Tony Ayers, Father Phalger, and Louis Farrakhan were wise decisions?

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