
How can we urge gas stations to provide alternative fuel options at more pumps?

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bio-deisel, electricity, hydrogen, and now compressed air. It seems the list of "green" cars just keeps on expanding, yet I personally have never even seen a way of refueling any of these cars at any of the gas stations Ive ever been to.

I'd love to buy a car that can refuel for 2 dollars on compressed air but I doubt id make it past my first tank before parking it.

So how can people who are interested in exploiting these new technologies get gas stations to add the means neccesary to refuel them?




  1. Why would fuel companies allow it? its so much cheaper to buy the oppersition and keep selling oil for trillions.

    The only way is to boycott fossil fuels

  2. I don't think the fuel companies would be too enthusiastic about it. They'd much rather prefer greasy and polluting oil along with rich, green money. But I do think they should stop investing in coal and oil and start investing in alternative energy. They should convert their factories, start producing renewable resources to pump into our vehicles, and start caring about the environment.

  3. it's a simple case of supply and demand, there is not enough demand to warrant the need for such fuels. not that long ago it was tough to find ethanol pumps, now most fuels contain a % of ethanol. with the increase in popularity of the new hybrids, we may never see the methods you mention really take off. but with cars now getting 60 miles to the gallon in town (Toyota prius) we may see the need for fossil fuels drop.

    To answer the question - to urge them they need to see a finiancial oportunity, which means if it did happen,. that air would not be $2 at all.

    Here's what i think. if a manufacturer is going to release a car with these fuels, why not supply the fuel at the dealership. think about it. lets take a trip into the future, where toyota created a mass market air powered car. now where i am from i can get to any of three different toyota delerships in a matter of minutes. so if toyota were to put a "air station" right in the front of the lot, not only does that allow people to refill their toyota "air bus" but it advertises to the rest of the world that toyota has such a car, and that would spark additional interest.

  4. Prove to them that people want it.

    There is virtually no market at this time for the alternative fuels.

    There is a huge cost involved in installing the extra pumps and tanks.

    Unless the demand for the alternative fuels is visible... the service stations won't want to risk making the investment.

    Its a "vicious circle"

    People won't buy alternative fuel vehicles if the fuel isn't easily available... fuel won't be easily available until people buy the cars.

    Gasoline was somewhat readily available in 1 to 5 gallon cans for use as a solvent when the automobile first came out...  It was essentially considered a waste product of making lubricating oil, and the oil companies were looking for a way to make it useful.

  5. pay a premium that makes it worth being provided.  there are to few people using alternative fuels to justify the cost of providing it.  so if you want it bad enough to pay for the installation and maintenance every time you fill up it will be provided.  a gas station is not going to lose money so a few people can have a clean conscience.

  6. If there were really a will in Congress to stop pollution and global warming, and aid millions of people who need cheap energy and transportation, they would simply; give some decent development funds to the inventors of water car technology instead of threatening their lives and families which has been U.S. policy for 100 years. Mandate a cessation of the use of fossil fuel burning for energy and transportation; and legislate the use of "on demand" hydroxy and other well known exotic technologies available now but suppressed by the nefarious oil/energy interests who have U.S. Politicians in their pockets.

        We have never had a technology problem. What we have is a political and social problem caused by greed and power in the wrong hands.


        Sources? Myself, dozens of Free Energy websites and dozens of successful Free Energy and "on demand Hydroxy" inventors. Enter "water car", "Joe Cell", Magnet Motors, Monatomic Hydrogen Generator, Irving Langmuir, Bob Boyce, Bill Williams, Stanley Meyers, Tesla Turbine, Bedini Motors, Bill Muller, Electrinium, Jean Louis Naudin, or Hutchison Battery into Youtube or Google; read, look at pretty pictures and watch the videos for yourself.

  7. You can start by driving a flex fuel vehicle that uses E85.  There are already plenty of cars on the road that run on it.  Below are some websites on ethanol which can be produced from corn, sugar cane, corn stalks, grasses, and most any plant that contains cellulose.  There are already a number of E85 stations around the country and both sites list where you can find some.

  8. Yeah, like the oil companies are going to allow that. Dream on. You will just have to wait till they've screwed every last $Trillion out of us.

  9. It's not about urging gas stations to add more refueling options... think about the larger picture. You're not trying to convince the manager of the gas station down the street to add a couple different pumps in addition to his gas pumps. There's more to it than that, as people have written above.

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