
How can we use the energy which drives the expansion of our universe?

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I read in a magazine a month ago something about tapping into the energy of the universe and being able to use it as unlimited energy. Its obvious that theres huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge amounts of energy required to power the expansion of the universe, does anyone know about any research scientists have made on harnessing this energy for use?




  1. if you could harness all the dark energy in a cubic kilometer of space (which no one has the slightest idea how to do) it would provide about enough energy to heat a glass of water by one degree celsius... not exactly spectacular. I mean it seems not much use having free energy if it's only a tiny trickle like that.

  2. good question.....

    i know there are trying to tap into the energies we have in the earths atmosphere

    but i am guessing energies in space which is a vacuum may require different technologies....

  3. Well, first off we'd need a better understanding of the energy that drives the expansion in the first place.  There is a lot of talk about 'dark energy' and 'dark matter' when discussing this, but so far we only have the most basic understanding.  Though a lot of experimental data seems to show that current theories seem to be accurate, proponents of these theories are still open for further interpretation...  That's one of the great things about science in general.

    So, with our current state of knowledge, harnessing 'dark energy' today would be like harnessing nuclear power at the start of the industrial age.  At the time there was no understanding of atomic structure even though there was some understanding of atoms...

    Errr... wait.  Little later then the industrial age for this analogy to pull through.  Oh well, analogies always fail when you inspect them too hard.

    How's that?


  4. Hal Putoff

    and many more.  

  5. i doubt we could get to the tip of the universe to where its expanding  

  6. You have to keep in mind that while this energy may make up about 75% of the matter and energy in the universe, It is spread evenly through out the universe. So, in any local area, it is a very small amount of energy. Not to mention that we do not fully understand what it is yet. This Dark Energy so far is only detected in the form of the expansion of the universe, and does not react with any form of matter or energy in any other way. We have a long way to go before we are able to find a way to harness it at all let alone in any sizable quantity.

  7. In my Fractal Foam Model of Universes, the ether is a foam similar to the cosmic foam but scaled down by a factor of about 10^59. E/M waves are (sheer) s-waves moving thru the ether foam at the speed of light. (Pressure) p-waves move thru the ether foam at the speed of gravity, which is billions of times faster. When a p-wave passes thur an s-wave, momentum is exchanged; this causes some s-waves to orbit one another, converting their energy to mass; that is where fundamental particles come from.

    P-waves are closely related to the expansion of space, but it is not clear which is cause and which is effect. The expansion of our space stretches cosmic foam bubble until, one by one, they pop. A popping bubble radiates p-waves thru the cosmic foam. The same thing happens in the cosmic foam of the sub-universe, which is the ether foam of our universe. But sub-universe time runs in the opposite direction from our time, so from our point of view, ethereal p-waves converge on an un-popping bubble.

    All the forces of nature stem from local imbalances in the field of p-waves. There may be imbalances in the total flux of p-waves or in the polarity of the p-waves relative to the polarity of the s-waves that interact with them.

    We get energy from the p-waves indirectly; there is no other source of energy in our universe. One of these centuries, if my model ever graduates from crackpot idea to mainstream model, it might lead to new ways of harnessing the expansion of space.  

  8.   We do.

      Everything we use is derived from the expanding universe.

      The sun.

  9. the energy is already released in the big bang. The universe is expanding only because of the potential of big bang.

    Its like accelerating a car to its full speed and then turning off its engine. The car  will be moving in the stored potential.  

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