I dont believe i have a well rounded personality so my question is, what will make me feel more content, what would make me more intresting? I'm a 16 year old girl with dyslexia (what a word) and i know i have a sence of humour: can laugh at myself ect. but i just dont feel whole. I have a new job, my first paying job actually starting this wednesday at the local sandwich factory. I have a Duke Of Edinburgh award [Bronze] and 'runner' experience on a film set.
....and i just dont feel like i have that sort of personality , you know...that will get me anywhere in life, i'm slightly shy around new people (isn't this normal) and sometimes i'm a bit awkward around people i already know. I like good music, i find... Though my taste varies. I'm intresting in Tv/Fashion/Interior design/architecture though i just don't feel confident enough in my own ability to do such things. I have high hopes for the future for myself but i just feel like i'm just another person and worth nothing...