
How can we well rounded persons?

by  |  earlier

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I dont believe i have a well rounded personality so my question is, what will make me feel more content, what would make me more intresting? I'm a 16 year old girl with dyslexia (what a word) and i know i have a sence of humour: can laugh at myself ect. but i just dont feel whole. I have a new job, my first paying job actually starting this wednesday at the local sandwich factory. I have a Duke Of Edinburgh award [Bronze] and 'runner' experience on a film set.

....and i just dont feel like i have that sort of personality , you know...that will get me anywhere in life, i'm slightly shy around new people (isn't this normal) and sometimes i'm a bit awkward around people i already know. I like good music, i find... Though my taste varies. I'm intresting in Tv/Fashion/Interior design/architecture though i just don't feel confident enough in my own ability to do such things. I have high hopes for the future for myself but i just feel like i'm just another person and worth nothing...




  1. Pull your head out of your-----------

    get on with living

  2. You are not worth nothing. If you have a steady job, you have film set experience, and you know what you want to do.

    If you are feeling like you are not interesting, you shouldn't feel that way. Just look, you wrote all of that interesting information in this one question, just imagine what you can do in a face to face conversation, or even speaking in front of a crowd.

    I don't see these negative things in you at all, I see many, many positive things, and I know good things will happen for you.

  3. honestly, sounds like you're just exploring yourself and aren't clear on who you are.  That's ok.

    You're at the age where you should have all these questions.  Keep going through life and doing what you're doing. Don't try and answer the "who am I?" from an internet site.

    Trust me, later in life you'll look back and completely understand that this question was normal and you'll know exactly who you are.


  4. wow your'e doing  well.

    I think well rounded comes from letting go to enw experiences adn learning abotu and accepting difference - being opetn to new ideas and above all being playful.

    You can play with any ideas and any learning oy dont have to  

    take them on board for yourself.

    Just try for understanding of everyones position.

    keep your feet n the ground and have a sense of who you are and then just permit yourself learning experiences-

    never beat yourself up for getting anything 'wrong' as long as you are in  learner mode you will be getting more rounded each day.

  5. No 16-year-old is well rounded. That comes with much more experience of life. Most people take until about age 25 to have the sharp corners knocked off them and become well-balanced adults.

  6. I'm a 56 yr old woman and I just happened to come across your question by accident.  I have to tell you, for a 16 yr. old, you come across as being very  poised, confident and mature.   I think you are wise to begin early to become a more rounded person.   My suggestions:  read everything that interests you and some thing that don't interest you - you never know what you'll learn.   Keep an open mind about everything and everyone - don't limit yourself to stereotypes, being "cool" all the time,   Get as much education as you can - you can never be too educated.   Try to meet diffferent types of people - don't just stay with people you feel comfortable with.  In the beginning it will be scary to put yourself "out there", but trust me, as you get older you'll find that you will feel comfortable and interesting in most circles.  You are at the perfect age to start making these life altering choices.   You are wise to know that.    You're going to be just fine, I could sense that when I read your question and story above.    Good luck - I wish you the best in your future.

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