
How can we win the war on islamic terror?

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vote for my HUBBY he will smother them with luv.




  1. It needs to be recognized that Islamic terrorism is not something exclusive to the USA nor even to countries militarily aligned with USA like Israel, Spain and UK, but it has happened and will continue to happen everywhere in the world. For example one of the most horrific actions of Islamic terrorism happened at that school in Russia. But also more Muslims have been murdered by Islamic terrorists in the world as a whole than have Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus combined and terrible outrages have been committed by Islamic terrorists in such Islamic countries as Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco and of course Iraq and Afghanistan etc. etc.

    The way to win the war against Islamic terror is by every nation in the world uniting and that includes USA and Russia combining their military might instead of recreating the cold war, just as USA and USSR united militarily to defeat the terror of Hitler's Third Reich. But within that alliance the need is also paramount to get moderate Muslims from all over the world on side as well, and for them to be as vocal as everybody else in condemning such organizations as the Taliban and Al Qaeda as being alien to the principles of Islam and utterly unrepresentative of the overwhelming majority of decent honorable people throughout the Muslim world.

  2. Start with a commander in chief who WANTS to win the war on islamic terror rather than one who wants to coddle islamic terrorists.

    Then, follow the idea spelled out in a movie "Swordfish"...I do not remember exactly the ratio, but it is something like:

    They kill one of our citizens...kill 5 of theirs.

    They bomb a church...we bomb 10 mosques.

    They blow up a building...we tactically nuke an entire city.

    Make the consequences of an act of terrorism so severe that they do not dare.

    Bevo...what a pathetic, weak, defeatist idea.  You must be an Obama fan.

    Mars...You are right...Obama is stupid enough to think that the fight is centered in Afghanistan.

    vote...great idea.  Give them free and unwatched ability to join, train, plan, and carry out terrorist activity...You are more foolish than Obama.  You actually think that they hate us because of our ME policy?  They hate us because we are not Muslim.  They hate us because they are taught hate from birth.  They do not need a reason.  They hate, and they thrive on fear and carnage.

  3. lf we stop buying the oils from them they will be very upset. I'm sure they will go crazy without their solid gold toilet seats.

  4. Stop putting your nose in the business of Islamic countries and stop supporting Israel and there illegal actions an the Palestinian people and there would be no problem.  

  5. Kill all the terrorists and their supporters. There is no other cure for fanaticism.

  6. close down the bases in the middle east.

    its as easy as that.

  7. We can't. We can only  keep them on the radar and try to minimize the aftermath of their activities.

  8. A couple of things Ms. Obama

    a) stop buying so much oil from people who hate us and the american way of life.

    b)Stop giving Israel so much money in order to dominate her neighbors and the Palestinian people like Israel loves doing.

    c) actually spend the money we have to find and apprehend the osama  bin Larden guy and being him to justice instead of wasting billions trying to subdue Iraqis whom had nothing to do with 9/11 to begin with!

  9. Vote for McCain and get a president strong on defense.

  10. You can only win it by full on force that is what the Muslim terrorist understand.

    When it becomes too painful for them and they know we are not going to run away is when they stop.

    Also punish all their supporters.

    Like how they were dancing the streets on 9/11 they should have gotten a 500 pound bomb on them.

  11. Per Obama, we should redeploy our troops from Iraq to Afghanistan immediately, as it is “the central front in our battle against terrorism".

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