
How can we win the war on obesity?

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  1. It's how we were raised. We didn't think what food could do to us. So we ate. Now we are paying for it. Our generation lost the war. We need to teach our kids to eat right so maybe their generation can win the war.

  2. Personally I idolize anyone who can eat. Struggling with the fact I don't have the guts to force food down my throat I find comfort and jealousy into people that can. However, I feel obesity is obviously not healthy [not saying being under weight is either] but I understand that some of these people can not help themselves when it comes to food. I say, help them, yes, but do it in a easier helping matter, have them join weight watchers or some type of life well living manageable diet. I heard weight watchers was fairly simple, and healthy, plus exercise even if its just walking is very good for obese people. I love everyone equally though, I just feel we all need to help whats not healthy :]

  3. I think the reason there is so much obesity is because of fast food full of saturated fat. We are being mislead by the restaurant chains because they don't give enough nutritional information.

    Sadly part of it is also genetic. I really don't think anything can be done about that. I eat the same food as my Korean husband yet he remains thin.

  4. make carrots look like candies  i love carrots even though i am fat ^^

  5. Stop calling them fatty.

    That would help >_>

  6. First of all "Fatty people" cannot "just stop eating" because they need nutrition and calories to live just like thin people.

    I think it is a matter of bringing up children to have healthy eating habits. I see too many parents stuffing their children full of garbage like fast food and junk food snacks out of sheer laziness. These children grow up without knowing how to make good food choices.

  7. let them eat its not up to you

  8. its mainly the parents who should know what to let them eat. Starting at young ages, some parents just want their kids to be happy by letting them eat what they want, which it gets harder for the children to control their diets as they get older. And the public school system is corrupted, school gave low income family free lunch that's not all healthy, while those with money buys unhealthy food. Because they dont teach young kids about diet at young ages.

    If people can start learn to cook rather then eat outside it will help. I see theres many eating in restaurants which is never healthy rather then going to grocery store.  

  9. That obesity scale is waaay off.  My BMI is 30 but I wouldn't consider myself obeese.  I lift weights so that packs on the pounds....but not of fat.

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