
How can welfare fraud be stopped? How can social security disability fraud be stopped?

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If the names were public record, would it help? How about a tip line for citizens to tip off authorities? Any other ideas?




  1. I don't know what state Pam lives in...but in NY if you are caught with someone living with you, they get a raise.  lots of tip lines to what?  It's a poorly overseen political hack job, and they are doing another fine job of ignoring it.  Sorry Pam, I misread and thought you lived in a state where something was actually being done.


  3. I really don't know but something has to be done...the people and illegals around my way have it way to good

  4. By eliminating both programs and letting a man, or lady, keep the money they work for.  If you don't work, you don't get no good ol' moola.  If you work hard and save for your retirement, you will be much better off than you would be by  having the government take your money and distribute it amongst illegal aliens and those who wouldn't kill a snake if it crawled out of their government furnished cupboard.

  5. there are toll free hotlines to report food stamp fraud: look under your state.. you can always call or go into local DHS office and tell them your concerns. same with SS disability but for that you will need their ss #

  6. We need them here to take care of the juicy Taliban. They are good roasted over an open pit. Plenty of olive oil and garlic and they turn out yummy yummy good. they shoot, we shoot, then we have bbq. yum yum.

    in a rush, we just bop them on the head and put them in the pot with taters and butter. Living off the land ain't so bad we catch enough of these little felllow for dinner. Bear and Taliban. We sent for a big sausage grinder. That will be sweet. Cold beer and Taliban brats for dinner.

  7. Actual cases of welfare fraud are very rare.

    What we REALLY need  is to fix the loopholes and current policies that are in place. (as in the legal cases where welfare isn't needed)

    We need to put an end to giving the poor more money because they have more children (a cap), we need to increase the funds to people that are working and not earning enough and decrease the money to the ones that aren't doing anything at all. We need to give more money to families that have both a mom and a dad if no one is paying child support, and decrease what we give to single moms and the men that create them.

    As things are now... we are basically supporting the destruction of poor families... which is just making the problem grow. A poor woman is currently better off financially if she has children by multiple men.

    I've seen this first hand by the way... when I got pregnant with my first child we had no insurance (yes, hubbie had a job) so  I needed a letter from the doctors to prove I was pregnant to get coverage for prenatal and delivery... I stood in line behind a woman who was sooooo excited to be having her 5th child and get more money from welfare (she actually was bragging about it to me)

    Frankly I was horiffied by that.

    Long story short I got coverage (and was even given the princely sum of $58 in food stamps) and was covered until my husbands insurance from work kicked in.

  8. Get rid of the lawyers.

  9. Disability:  Require 3 Doctors to sign off after a standard (thorough) checklist of requirements have been met looking at the patient, and regular followups and reports written about the patient required.

    Welfare:  A parol officer type person to check up on welfare recipients a couple of times a year to see how they are living, what they do for a living, proof of trying to find a job (even one that may involve relocation), and to look over the persons utility, food, clothing, whatever bills to see if spending is in line with what they are recieving from welfare or if it is just being wasted.

    Yea, thumb me down because you think my state actually does something?  Why would that get a thumb down?  

    ok. . .

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