
How can wings on animals develop without an intelligent designer?

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We know how and why they evolved. But do biologists know how it's possible that wings start developing out of nothing? With an intelligent designer it's easy to understand... like a program is put in the brain and wings start to grow following that program. But how did the program get in there if there's no designer to begin with?




  1. Wings you can explain without an intelligent designer.

    To start, there was a mutation in an animal with limbs that caused a little bit of a 'flap' that allowed the animal to glide along, which meant they were better able to catch their prey (insects) to eat. They had offspring, and they had offspring, and they had offspring, until eventually, voila, wings had evolved.

    However, there are things, like the eye and the ear, that really can't be explained without an intelligent designer. There are multiple parts of the eyeball that have to work in conjuncture with each other to make the organism see. And then, the eye needs to work with the brain in order to let us recognize images on top of that. Same with the ear; there are 3 bones and many smaller parts (eardrum, hammer, anvil, stirrup) that all have to work together, and then work with the brain, to allow hearing to happen.

    None of this happened "over time." Or, if it did happen overtime, then there was a designer who knew ahead of time what each little piece was for and how they were going to use it to allow hearing/seeing. Both are so intricate and complicated, someone had to know what they were doing.

    Just a note: evolution happens. We've seen bacteria change over time in a petrie dish. But we have NEVER seen one species evolve into a higher life form. It just doesn't happen.

  2. Wing's didn't come from nothing, they're the hands and arms of the animal that have been gradually evolved over time into a new use.  We know that they evolved from the hands and arms, because the bone structure is identical.  You can even see some useless bones left over.  For example, take a look at this bat:

    See that little nub on the front middle of each wing?  That used to be a finger.  Now, why would an intelligent designer stick a finger on the front of a wing?

  3. Wings developed out of nothing?  Did they not develop out of non-wing appendages? I don't know the proper scientific answer to this question millions of years of genetic mutation that followed the laws of cellular biology seems right to me.

    The intelligent design explanation is the epitome of intellectual laziness.

  4. > How can wings on animals develop without an intelligent designer?

    Apparently very easily, since it's happened, independently, several times, in these groups:





  5. maybe winged-species such as birds are smarter than humans think and we are underestimating their intelligence.

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