
How can woman's body size affect her child?

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If a women has become extremely skinny in an effort to look like model girls, and bears a child what effects of her body's size should she expect on her baby?




  1. If she gets too skinny then its really important that she eats healthy..make sure she has plenty of H2O in her body also..Its really all about taking a very good care of her body so that the baby is healthy too..  

  2. are you saying that during her pregnancy she did this or was this her way of life before she became pregnant???

  3. If a woman has "become" extremely skinny then probably the only effects will be nutrition-wise. Her bone size hasn't changed. She needs to make sure she is getting enough nutrients and calories to sustain both herself and the baby. I am naturally a skinny girl and was worried about giving birth at first, but later in pregnancy the pelvis separates to make room for the baby coming out so it isn't really an issue.

  4. Her baby probably won't be getting enough nutrients in the womb, so is very likey to be born undersized, and possibly prematurely. Frankly, she is being very selfish and isn't mature enough to be having a baby. This might make the child small for the rest of its life (but there are no absolutes here, some children can recover well).

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