
How can women not have children due to medical reasons?

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I'm writing a story for my creative writing class about a young woman in her early 20's who wants to start having kids with her husband. However, when she goes to her doctor to make sure everything is okay to start having kids she tells her that she can't.

I'm asking everyone what happens in a woman's body when she is unable to have kids (yes, I know various forms of cancer, but I don't want to use that).

What are some of the factors that can cause this?

Also, later on in the story I want her to have the ability to have kids...what are some medical procedures (that don't include surgerey) that can make this happen?

Thank you!




  1. oh sweet, as a teacher of English I am so happy to see you so serious about your class. Enjoy and hope you get an A.

    I think your best bet would be to research PCOS on line. Many women (like me) have trouble Ovulating. (eggs released) so you an have a period every month and not know it until you try and try and don't get pg. then you go to the dr and find out its from not ovulating.  its simple you can take the pill, (which your story lady would not want to do..)..or you can take Clomid, to induce Ovulation.

    ther r many reasons why.. but try to keep your paper simple in topic and worry about format and all that as well. good luck dear.

  2. well congenital syphilis will make you barren.  As will all untreated VD.  Fybroids and poly-cystic ovaries will also do it.  As will women with Turner syndrome (XO not XX).  Mosaics can also have problems conceiving,  

    PCO seem the best bet as this is intermittent and you can sometimes ovulate.  

  3. there r h**l of causes. 1st of all u need 2 classify it as male infertility n female infertility. then primary n secondary infertility.

    chek out d following sites.

  4. Irregular menstruation and ovulation, hormone problems, incompetent cervix, there's about a million reasons.

  5. hmmm well a lady very close to me just went through a bunch of stuff trying to get pregnant but couldn't...

    weight both over and under can cause fertility problems as well as too little or too much exercise. a healthy diet plays a part as well as general mental health.

    my friend had a fibroid tumor which wasn't cancer but large enough to cause fertility troubles. she had PCOS. she apparently had an infection at one point and has scars in her tubes to the point that one was blocked and the other nearly so. the scars prevented the little hair like things from helping the ovum along also.

    there are also a birth defects that can prevent pregnancy.

    as for procedures...

    she could try natural family planning, fertility drugs, in vitro, surrogacy or adoption.

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