
How can wrong answers be chosen as the best answer?

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The question asked was "Did Cupid have a brother". The correct answer by Thalia was the brothersa name was Anteros and she gave a good account o who and what Antheros was. Do you think her answer should have been chosen instead?




  1. It happens all the time on this site.  Some people seem to think this site is just a big game or want to chat.  They do not seem to understand that there are people out there that want to know some answers that they have tried to find themselves.  Thalia seemed to have found the answer and yes she should have gotten best answer.  It has happened to me a lot.

  2. I was in the process of asking a similar question.  The answer that was selected as the best for my question was actually marked with 2 'thumbs down' and others with as many as 3 'thumbs up' were ignored.  

    Not sure how the community selection process works, but I don't think it is a computer program.... it must be some SUPER DELEGATE vote that counts more than the popular one....  or the intelligent and informed one...(sounds like the way we select presidential candidates?)

  3. This may be what is happening. When an answer goes into voting, anyone can vote on the answer, even if it is a wrong answer. When the person asking the question does not select a best answer, the question then goes, 'into voting'. Someone being funny or otherwise may then vote on their wrong answer. I stand to be corrected.

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