
How can you actually rebuild yourself financially from almost nothing??Huh?

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Getting out of povery,overcoming extreme disabilities and hardships,I'm talking about severe ones.Who can help you?If you know how please help me now.Please no funny sh@t from kids that never felt suffering......yet.Thanks,Bill.




  1. Hi Bill -

    I am finally on top of things financially after years of struggling, and I am going to give some advice that is different from what others have posted here.

    If you can change your perspective and your thinking about things, your life will turn around. I know that it doesn't sound scientific, but it works.

    Start by making a list of all the things that you are thankful for - all the things that go right in your life, and all the things that you have and maybe don't stop to appreciate, no matter how small and inconsequential.

    Try meditation - if you have never tried it, learn to focus on the thoughts running through your mind, so that you can dismiss those that are negative, critical, judgemental, depressing, or panic-stricken.

    Most people don't realize how many times a day they reiterate certain thoughts like "everyone else has it better than me" or "I'm never going to get ahead" - but thinking those things subconsciously turns them into self fulfilling prophecies.

    Make a bulletin board or a scrapbook of the life you envision. Make each page a goal and put notes, pictures, photos, etc. of whatever it is that you hope to achieve with your life. Look at it often and focus your attentions in that direction.

    Be aware of small opportunities that may come along to change your situation. Many people in your situation are so focused on how rough it is and how desperate they are to get ahead, that they fail to see opportunities right under their noses -they are fixated on a specific solution to their problem, and  don't recognize alternatives.

    Stay positive - take care of yourself and your health.

    Good Luck!!!

    I am sending you some positive energy...

  2. i've been there with financial hardships,, you might want to try listening to a guy named dave ramsey, he has a website and he is also has a very popular radio show,, and is on fox news. god bless

  3. heh...i'm still making only 8 an hour...and...if i had any idea I probably wouldn't be in Laredo...

  4. There's a million answers to this question and they all start with "keep working"  I've been there man, you have to make calls to everyone you owe money to and make arrangements and you have to figure out what you HAVE to spend every month and what you don't.  No easy path my friend, just keep makin money and payin stuff off slowly.  Try consolidation loans and debt management classes.  (MMI etc)  also, keep your spirits up, once you give up, your screwed.

  5. The government should be helping people that way, since it's main job is protecting property (and according to Locke, this includes your body and labor). But many governments can't because they don't have the resources or won't because greedy people run them that want tax cuts for the rich and cost-plus contracts for corporations while contractors for social programs constantly run the risk of going into bankruptcy but soldier on because they know it's better than nothing...

    Sorry, I'm rambling! Long story short, the government should be helping people but isn't in many places.

  6. ok, Bill, I can sure relate to the c**p you are and may be going through. Same boat sort of thing, and I am doing something about it. What state are you in? (obviously not denial, that's s'posed to be a joke to lighten the mood a little;)

    I'm in Wisconsin and have a list of disabilities myself, got out of the violence cycle, and am tired of living in this little apartment out of the city and away from it's conveniences and such. But I am working with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, and will be going back to school, even at my age, to get the h**l OUT of poverty h**l and build a new life for myself. I'm sorting out what to go to school for this week. There are possibilities out there if you want them bad enough. If you wanna talk email me through here and if we're not in the same region, we could have coffee tomorrow if you want via an electronic technology.

  7. I  know you dont want to hear another one of.....( I know how you feel). What you want is ANSWERS.  And I so wish I could give you one. But I;m afraid I too am in a dire place,And the agencies, and peoples, and Help that should be there ,IS NOT.  Keep trying....Its all we can do.   Good luck .

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