
How can you answer back someone that answers you when you ask a question on Yahoo! Answers?

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Does 'adding details' alert the people that have answered? How will they know I answered their question through here?




  1. Some of us actually DO check back after we answer a question - at least I do. So adding additional information is a good idea. So many times I answer a question and never even know if the ASKER checked back for the answer. Kind of like talking to somebody on the phone after they've already hung up.

    I'd allow email, but I also have a day job. I'm guessing my email volume would triple if I opened it up to use here on Answers.

    Yahoo! Answers should have some way of alerting answerers that somebody is needing more help on an existing problem. Until that time comes, I guess we'll just have to do the best with the tools we're given.


  2. Click the "Edit" button under your question, and then click "Add Details".


    No, it does not alert them.  As others have said, you can check his profile to see if he allows emails or IMs, but that's it.

  3. You can only contact them by clicking on their profile and choosing the "send e-mail" option. But people can turn this option off so you may not be able to contact them at all. Adding details to your question as the person above stated doesn't really work because people will very seldom ever look back at a question they already answered.

  4. You could email them if their profile allows it

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