
How can you assist through advice?

by  |  earlier

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how can you help a person whose pregnant and she does not want to keep the baby for various reasons like parental acts,job and arguing she is not ready to bear a child at the moment?




  1. Offer to adopt the child.

  2. advise her to give baby to family so the kid can still be close. don't try to force her to keep baby because for the next year after she haves it she will go through postpardom and it will make her feel even worse then she does now. no abortion family adoption

  3. Was she raped?

    She is old enough to spread her legs, she is old enough to "bear a child".

    You can drive her to a few adoption centers, let her interview them and choose one to use to help her find a family for her baby.

    She may not want her baby, and that is OK, but she should help the baby find a good home.    There are THOUSANDS of families who would love to raise the child.

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