
How can you ban Peanuts & Cracker Jack from Baseball?

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I mean this has been going on for decades, if you’re allergic just don’t eat them.

I’m not trying to make light of the subject or seem insensitive, but I just don’t get this.

Should they or shouldn’t Peanuts & Cracker Jack be banned?

If you're allergic to peanuts — and my sympathies for that tragic misfortune, if you are — Seattle's Safeco Field will be the place to be on Aug. 5 and Sept. 9. The stadium staff there is planning to make two sections "peanut-controlled" zones, cleaning each before the game and banning the sale of peanuts at nearby concession stands so those afflicted by the food allergy can watch the game without worry.

The Cardinals also held aside a peanut-free section earlier this week (the Twins, last month, too), but the concept isn't limited to the bigs. A minor league team in suburban Chicago made its entire stadium peanut-free earlier this month and the Nashua Pride in New Hampshire have been peanut-free all season.




  1. You don't have to eat peanuts to have an allergic reaction to them, for some people just smelling peanuts can mean going into anaphalactic (spelling?) shock, and possibly death.

    They've banned smoking-which can take much longer to kill you, but peanuts can kill you very quickly, if you're allergic to them.

  2. I'll probably come off sounding like a jerk but people have had these allergies for eons and I haven't heard of anyone falling dead at a baseball game as a result of a peanut allergy.  Not saying that it hasn't happened, I just haven't heard of it.  I think things are going a little far.  I'm allergic to chocolate - really allergic to the point that my throat closes up and I can't breath but no one's going to ban candy bars.

  3. IDK .... I mean a Terrorist could come into the stadium with mechanical arm/laser sighting and start fling deadly peanuts into peoples beers, sodas and if he's really skilled ...inside the hot dog itself !!!

    YES .... YES ... its true.  Then when 1,000's of people are blowing up in shock he will bind them all together and exploit them as cheap Blimps ...... Peanut Terrorists must be STOPPED !!!!! any means necessary.

  4. It's incredibly silly but I personally don't care. I haven't bothered with Peanuts and Cracker Jacks at ballgames since they started charging $5.00 a box/bag for them.

  5. Because people are getting ridiculous because of allergies. There was a woman suing an airlines because first class wanted peanuts and they supposedly said there weren't going to be any, but when first class passengers complained that they wanted peannuts the airlines relented. I think if you're going somewhere you shouldn't be forced to not sell or be able to eat something because a select few are allergic to peanuts. I mean it's in the song "take me out to the ball game" with the quote "buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks".

  6. maybe they could have days that would be peanut free like once a month for those people

  7. Are you kidding me? They're actually making "peanut-controlled" zones? I live just about 30 miles south of Safeco Field, and haven't heard a word about this, even if it's just for a couple games. Every time I go there, I always see a vendor come around our section at least 5 times selling peanuts and Cracker Jacks.

    Those are just a part of baseball. It's like milk and cookies, Barry Bonds and steroids; if you take them apart, they're nothing.

    I agree with you that people who are allergic to them shouldn't be eating them in the first place. It's their own fault for being stupid. They can't blame that on anybody else.

  8. If you want to know what people think, just look at the mindless drivel of the responses to the Yahoo! article.  People need to get a grip and realize it's not always about them, but for the good of all of us.  Like the above poster said, they banned smoking (probably to the same sort of offensive remarks) long ago.  Some ballparks also have alcohol-free seating.  Oh, the horror!  I can't get peanuts in 5% of the ballpark!

  9. Some people can get very sick just from the smell of the peanuts.  The don't have to eat them to get very sick.  The River City Rascals have set aside on section as peanut free every Wednesday.  This give some people who wouldn't take a chance of being too close to peanuts to go to baseball games.

  10. It's only two sections (out of 130 or so in Safeco) for 2 games (out of 81)

    I don't understand why it's such a big deal to people. Many stadiums have for years had sections where alcohol isn't served. (Wrigley has one - it's pushed for families)

    Funny how people tend to jump all over these sorts of things. Nobody is saying that they will not be serving peanuts ever again, nobody is banning crackerjacks from every single MLB ballpark.

    Relax folks - unless you have already bought tickets for those particular dates, in those particular sections, and just absolutely can not possibly survive a few hours without peanuts, you really have nothing at all to worry about.

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