
How can you be PRO-LIFE and PRO-GUNS?? IRONY!!?

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Ret. Sgt.: I thank you for your answer... you are about the only person who doesnt believe in what im saying but still treats my answer with respect. But here is my rebuttle:

I do believe in life before birth... i do not believe in life before the first trimester of pregnancy. Anything after that is killing a human. The difference with cars, planes and guns is that cars and planes were not designed to kill. Guns were designed as a weapon to kill others.

And no i have not been fed "pabulum" by anti-gun people we have impartial statistics from the ABS (government statistics body - completely impartial) that has shown that crime decrease by 40% after the banning of firearms in Australia. So therefore it is not a claim but FACT!

The 20% of death penalty recipients being innocent (thats after they were KILLED) was from a show on the Crime Investigation Australia Channel... umm i think it was called "Death Crime" or "Criminal Deaths" it was sumthing like that.




  1. The fact is there ARE guns so trying to live in an idealistic hypothetical situation where there aren't is pointless.

    You should take note, the 32 year gun ban that was recently lifted in Washington D.C. did NOTHING to stop the city from being the murder capital of the world in 1998.

    Basically what you are saying is you believe it's okay to murder unborn children but wrong for people to have the ability to defend themselves.

  2. There is only one fundamental right -- the right to life.

    The right to life does not mean that one can force others to support ones life against their will.

    Criminals can never be disarmed by any act of law. You would deny a man the right to protect his life.

    What a man has not the right or ability to defend, it cannot be reasonably or intelligently argued he has any right to at all.

    Where does one find the right to keep and bear arms in the Scriptures? Look no further than Luke 11:21, where Jesus said, "When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace."

    I know at one point Jesus told Peter to put up his sword, but He did not tell him to give up his sword.

    Luke 22:36 Then he said unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.

    In so far as God created men of free will, He recognizes the right of good men to protect themselves from evil men.

    How can pro-life/pro-gun be compatible?

    In the same way as the Sun is compatible with daylight.

    "Our task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed

    when those who would resist us have been Totally Disarmed."

    Sarah Brady quoted from The National Educator Vol. 25, No. 8, January, 1994

    "The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed and that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of press."  Thomas Jefferson


  3. how can YOU be Pro-choice and ANti-war? stupidity. tearing a living baby with all of its parts out of the womb in a late term abortion isn't just a bunch of cells.

  4. Nothing is impossible, BUT this would be a form of hypocrisy and contradiction which is associated with GOP party.

  5. pro war and pro life , that's the one that's confusing - maybe its because its not your country's civilians they are killing  

  6. However did humans kill each other without guns. Magically eliminate all guns, there will still be murder and violence.

    If you have a gun, but it on a table. It will never kill anyone.

    What makes a gun any different from a knife or even a well aimed jab? Nothing. What makes a gun any different than the abortionists scalpel? Nothing. It's what you do with these things that make the difference. I, for one, am glad the police and the military are allowed to carry weapons of deadly force. though there are occasional abuses, the overall affect is positive.

    You may not understand that pro-gun people aren't pro-murder people. They believe in the ability to defend their lives and loved ones. In many ways, we believe that guns (when in the hands of a responsible person) actually save lives.

    At what point do the "bunch of cells" begin to think? Is the ability to think the measuring stick of human value? Brain activity starts in the womb.


    You say " but illegalisation of guns has been proven to dramatically decreases crime rates." - what a load of crappy c**p c**p. Prove this outrageous claim without citing third world nations.


    "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so."

    --- Adolf Hitler

  7. The main difference is innocence. Abortion kills innocent life. If you don't believe life begins before birth then that can be argued. A person with murderous intent is not innocent so killing that person does not equate.

    I will agree, if there were never any one would be killed by them.

    If there were never any cars or one would be killed in auto crashes.

    If there were no one would die in a plane crash.

    I am glad you are in Australia. I happen to like it here in the US with our guns. You can have your opinion about our country but is doesn't count and I am glad you have no vote here. You probably aren't a US Constitution scholar and I doubt you have ever read it. You have been fed pablum by anti-firearm folks. That is fine as long as you don't regurgitate all their claims as though it were a fact.

    Where did you get the "fact" that 20 percent of all death penalty cases are found later to be innocent. You mean after death? Before sentencing? I'd like to see those printed "facts". Please provide your source .

  8. i dont really equate guns with killing. it is the individual behind the gun that does the crime. if there were no guns, people would simply use something else, like fire.

    now if you said how can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty, THEN i would see the irony.

  9. First of all, abortion kills 100% of the time. Guns don't kill, people using guns kill. You could sit in a room with a gun for 10 years and it wouldn't come over and kill you. A person, with a brain, has to pull the trigger. Yes, there are people who misuse guns, but there are people who misuse cars, alcohol, and a ton of other things. If someone used a chair to kill someone, would you outlaw chairs? No, because it wasn't the chair's fault, it was the person who used the chair to commit a crime.

    I'm pro-life and pro-guns. I am 100% against abortion. Abortion kills a human life 100% of the time. A baby is not a non-thinking bunch of cells. I don't know how people could kill something that couldn't even protect itself. It just makes me sad thinking about it.

    You said not to say self-defence for guns because if there were no guns, you wouldn't have to protect yourself with guns? Do you really think our government is going to get every single criminal's gun? Even if they are outlawed, there will still be guns. Drugs are illegal, and you still know they are around. If guns became illegal, all the citizens who have taken gun safety courses, and got background checks, and have their guns registered would turn in their guns, and those criminals who have illegal guns would keep them and then use them because they know that normal citizens would not have any.

    I own guns, and I am a 24 year old female. I hunt, have taken a safety course on guns and hunting, and have registered my guns. I keep them in a locked safe. And I will admit, I feel much safer knowing that I could defend myself if I needed to.

    I really don't see the irony in pro-life and pro-guns. What I do see the irony in is being pro-choice. Let's call it what it really is, pro-abortion. There is no choice, the baby has no say if it ever wants to live. We are a generation killing off our children, and I pray for America every night.

    This will probably make you boil, but I am going to buy as many guns as I can. There might be a time when I need to defend America, and I'm sure the people down the street who "don't like guns" will be hiding in my house when the c**p hits the fan.


    You say, "I do believe in life before birth... i do not believe in life before the first trimester of pregnancy."

    So, when exactly does the fetus become a person? Does something special happen after the first trimester that magically makes "a bunch of cells" (your quote) a baby? I think you are being misled. Abortion is killing a baby. A person.

    Please click on the link below and look at the ultrasound pictures of an early pregnancy. How can you say that's not a person? I can see features. That is not just a "group of cells". It is an innocent, helpless, defenseless baby people kill because it might be inconvenient. That makes me sad.

    I'm glad you are Australian. I love America and I'm glad I have guns here.

  10. It is not at all ironic to hold both of these positions. Our constitution gives us the right to bear arms, although there should be restrictions on this right to some extent. Even though you said "don't say self-defense," I'm going to say it anyway! If there were no guns, there would still be knives, baseball bats, and other weapons people use to inflict harm on others, not to mention a man just being bigger than a woman when he tries to rape her. I don't own a gun and I never will, but being pro-life and pro-guns is not contradictory.  

  11. It funny you make that comparison Pro-life - Pro-guns

    When straight after you use the exact mirror of that which is also a paradox pro -Choice** - Anti- Guns.

    I agree with what you are saying but disagree with how you said it.

  12. Same way you can be pro-choice and against the death penalty.

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