
How can you be dead at Paddington Station for 6 days?

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without anyone finding you? I'm referring to the childrens' TV presenter, Mark Speight.

Paddington Station is a really busy station. Surely someone would have seen you, or . . . god forbid . . . smelled you by then?

Tragic and awful.




  1. Yes I think he was found somewhere remote near to the station. I think it's awful, such a nice bloke. Will miss him on smart!

  2. He wasn't found in the station, but in a disused building adjacent to the station

  3. Well, you never find something hidden unless you're actually looking for it, I guess.

    Who would have guessed he was still so close to the station?

  4. who knows what's in a suicide's mind?

  5. if you hide away on the roof where no public are supposed to be then yes you could be up their for longer

  6. In London this is easy, as we mostly try not to pay attention to anything that is happening around us. If someone dropped dead on the tube, we would just put the newspaper in front of our face and pretend that nothing has happened.

  7. I was shocked when I heard the news, went through Paddington on my way to a flight to Poland for my wedding anniversary.  He would have been there at the time.

    It sounds like sloppy reporting, I certainly thought it was on the station premises.

    Tragic: a case of a man broken beyond repair.  Really sad.

  8. Apparently he had a massive "Art Attack"

  9. He obviously choose this place for it's natural obscurity. I think it is desperately sad that he was in such a state of mind.

    Let us now step back and let both sets of parents grieve for their son and daughter.

  10. Because he wasn't actually in Paddington Station he was in a disused building NEXT to Paddington.

  11. He was in a disused building within Paddington Station.

  12. It might be a busy station but how many customers go up to the roof, that's where he was found!

  13. Not surprising. Today, there's yet another 'story' of a cyclist having been hit by a car, left for dead in the middle of a busy road, with, 'motorists' swerving around the poor man's body, rather than stopping to help. One cretin, even drove over his legs. Humanity and compassion - my a--e! It is all ignorance and self-gratification. I hope that the Police track down the driver (who; following his deed - accident or no accident - became swift in his unlawful flight to avoid prosecution) and 'do' the b@st@rd for manslaughter, or, worse. This world is in dire need of a giant e***a!

  14. It is very strange that no one spotted his body. It must have be in a secluded area. It could have been worse then, at least they found him in 6 days and not 6 months.

    When an area is busy, they watch it less, because there is so much activity and people are like neighbourhood watchers. This time, things were a little different with a different outcome.

  15. Not all of the stations that the public use is avaliable to the public. Quite often some of it is shut off for maintainence and is in a dangerous condition. Other parts are just for staff use. As far as i am aware, the Part the TV presenter was found at was in a dangerous condition and NOT open to the public. Ongoing works can take up to 5 YEARS to rectify. So, it is quite easy to not be found.

  16. !. he was in a building outside paddington station.

    2. have you ever used the railways in Britain? I have, frankly the noise, the horrible smells, the shoddy service, the wind chill.....last thing you do is go sniffing at another smell, even if you had 5 minutes to spare.

    3. it is winter, so decomposition would be delayed.

    4. after a 14 hour day, wouldn't you just run straight into the train rather than go sniffing around ? you cant possibly delay any longer or your husband is gonna get suspicious.

  17. Well, he wasn't hanging from the advertising hording on platform 6 was he!!!

    He found a quiet 'roof space' and did the deed...

  18. He wasn't found at the station. He was found in a disused and derelict building beside the station.

  19. I wondered that too. Still we don't know all the details.

  20. easy in london many years ago people was dead on the pavements and people just walked by this i saw quite a lot going to work  it must have been once a week it was drugs

  21. Paddington Bear would be ashamed...

  22. apparently no one could see him from the ground. I am gutted i used to love watching him on tv when i was a kid.

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