
How can you become Anorexic?

by Guest10930  |  earlier

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im just 14.yes,it does seem like a very bad idea but I'm just very desperate to loose allot of my weight.and no I'm not skinny at all and i think im very over weight even if my friends say im not,i have very low self esteem so heh,i just need some help.oh and I'm a vegan but i still think that wont work.




  1. just don't eat and your friends are right your not fat.


    see you at school

  2. Please don't say things like that. I'm a recovering 9 year anoretic and it's sad to hear people say things like that. There's things you can do to lean down, but it depends on your stats now if that is even necessary. As for the self esteem problem, that is something that you and only you can fix. Maybe a therapist would be good. Mine really helped me a lot.  

  3. if your thinking like this then maybe it would be a good idea to see you GP who could refer you to a dietician, they could develop a health weigh loss program for you.

    Anorexia can cause many health problems including damage to your internal organs.

    Please consider the doctors before you do something that may damage your health in the long term


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  5. Wow, what a question. Yes, please go see a doctor before you even think of trying something like this.

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