
How can you believe in "Global Warming" ...?

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... when it's so unseasonally cold out today? I'm in the tropics too.




  1. uhh its winter season and it will be hot as c**p outside in summer time believe me

  2. Depending on where you live, global warming might have less, more, or variance in strength. If you live anywhere near the Pacific Ocean (i.e. Micronesia, Melanesia, etc.; or Hawaii; or somewhere along the coast of North/South America in the tropics; etc.), then La Nina ( ) is most likely affecting your region. Also, global warming's effects' statistics are an average of the yearly temperature; thus, a cold winter could be offset by a blazingly hot summer. Overall, global warming may not apply to literally the ENTIRE globe. Good luck with your cold weather!

  3. Climate and weather are two different things. It's still real:

    "The year 2007 tied for second warmest in the period of instrumental data, behind the record warmth of 2005, in the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) analysis. 2007 tied 1998, which had leapt a remarkable 0.2°C above the prior record with the help of the "El Niño of the century". The unusual warmth in 2007 is noteworthy because it occurs at a time when solar irradiance is at a minimum and the equatorial Pacific Ocean is in the cool phase of its natural El Niño-La Niña cycle."

  4. dont even start me out on global warming

    how can u not believe it

    watch that movie the unconventioinal truth or w.e

    may b boring but its good to know =]


    antartica is melting all of a sudden HOW tha h**l do u explain that lol

    yes im aggressive but u asked a dumb question c[=

  5. You should watch this video:

  6. I live in Montana.... And global warming is SO NOT TRUE!!!! Even we are having TOO COLD days. It's bad. If anything, i wish summer and global warming would come sooner! =] But seriously, global warming is a spoof.

  7. lots and lots and lots and lots of liberals

  8. gas imissions are getting higher every year i live in LA.

  9. I do not.

  10. u can't nobody but God can decied when the world ends and if we deserve it like some of us (not me) the world will end for them in there world but not yours

  11. u shud g o out more..everything is changing...

  12. how do you know your "unseasonally" cold is not just a cold front passing through?

    I believe it, becuase i lived on the East Coast and saw the tremundous increase in hurricanes and tornados.

    That and i read.

  13. Global warming is about climate shift - there is evidence of climate shift everywhere.

    In the last major climate shift due to global warming, South Africa went from tropical to desert.  

    Please don't look at one cold day as indicative - look at 60 years of daily temperature readings in Hawaii which show an ever increasing global temperature.  

    Please take the time to review the scientific evidence - it's overwhelming to support climate change.

    btw:  this isn't about liberal or conservative - it's about how our actions and our society (globally) is polluting the air water and soil - what will we do when the contaimination we continue to put into the earth has contaminated all the water?  

    Don't focus on global warming, focus on healing the earth - you will find it's a winning solution.

  14. Because Al Gore told me it's true. hahaha

  15. According to seasonal flux of the cosmic rays you should be just about right.This is a well established fact that is documented by the IPCC,and NOAA,and NASA.Don't forget about those thousand billion scientist that had a couple of  martini's before hand.

  16. Um... To Chris B up there... I live on the east coast too... and we haven't had a hurricane hit us in like.... 2 years.... That's the entire USA too... And the tornado thing was really just a freak act of nature... Those things happen all the time... I haven't seen one since about 8 years ago.

  17. It does take a lot of thinking and work. Because it is not obvious. It takes statistics and good record keeping for decades and centuries to even detect it. So you have to be smart and well informed and look past the limited information that is directly available to you in your time and place.

  18. Because the planet, over all, is getting hotter and drier.  Never mind ONE specific spot at ONE specific time.  So many rivers and streams that flowed when I was young are now dry; ice caps are shingking (mountainsides) that I know about.  Then there are all those places I read about.  Sorry, It is real.

  19. How much would the one degree of warming so far affect your daily, monthly and yearly weather fluctuations?  Would you notice it?  Not much.  Weather is a much more powerful force on daily temperatures, but that doesn't negate the long term trend, or its harmful effects.

    If you're curious about whether or not the theory has a decent foundation, for more background on the history of the science behind greenhouse gas theory, here's a good summary:

    Here is what the balance looks like in terms of scientific evidence:

    The consensus was quantified in a Science study by Prof. Naomi Oreskes (Dec. 2004) in which she surveyed 928 scientific journal articles that matched the search [global climate change] at the ISI Web of Science. Of these, according to Oreskes, 75% agreed with the consensus view (either implicitly or explicitly), 25% took no stand one way or the other, and none rejected the consensus.

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