
How can you believe in real ghosts?

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I dont believe that ghosts exist cos if they did, instead of haunting people, wouldnt they go and see their relatives? Can u prove me wrong?




  1. You really don't know much about spirits do you... Well let me just say this spirits are very real and no matter what a non-believer might say or do will not change the true fact of the reality of spirits existences............

  2. congrats your one of the most closed minded people i've meet this week

    don't get me wrong i'm not saying that aliens beamed up the lost city of Atlantis and are zooming around the galaxy with big foot but just because you don't see it doesn't mean its not real

    so instead of having other people "prove" to you if something is real or not why don't you do some leg work and look for your self

    then you can say it is real or not

    as for if they did exist why wouldn't they go see their relatives

    that's an easy one maybe they cant leave the area there in or maybe they didn't like there family

    i'd bet half the people on yahoo dont visit ever single family member they have and there all very much real

  3. ghosts and spirits do exist. cant prove you wrong. each one of them has a past maybe they dont want to see their relatives maybe they got raped by their dad or something or something like that you know there's a reason for everything

  4. I dont believe in"real" ghosts. Everyone  knows ghost dont exist.

    I believe in non-existant ghosts.

    Much scarier.


  5. Because ghosts are supposed to be stuck on earth and afraid to move on to the next life. That's what the ghosthunters on television say, at any rate. Don't know if I believe in ghosts but if you believe in energy or the human spirit then there definitely could be ghosts.

  6. Well I'm not sure if i could prove you wrong. because i, myself, don't believe much in ghost either. But you state a good point, but i guess we could never know because were not ghosts and don't know what or where they want to haunt. The only way i think i could believe in them, if I saw one myself.

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