
How can you best paraphrase the poem "Ode on the poets" by John Keats?

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I don't want the procedure of paraphrasing a poem , but need the summary of the poem asked!




  1. It is a fairly a long poem, i shall give you the links and sites for the same :

    Ode On The Poets

    Bards of Passion and of Mirth

    Ye have left your souls on earth!

    Have ye souls in heaven too,

    Double - lived in regions new?

    - Yes, and those of heaven commune

    With the spheres of sun and moon;

    With the noise of fountains wonderous

    And the parle of voices thunderous;

    With the whisper of heaven`s trees

    And one another, in soft ease

    Seated on Elysian lawns

    Browsed by none but Dian`s fawns;

    Underneath large blue - bells tented,

    Where the daisies are rose - scented,

    And the rose herself has got

    Perfume which on earth is not;

    Where the nightingale doth sing

    Not a senseless, tranced thing,

    But divine melodious truth,

    Philosophic numbers smooth;

    Tales and golden histories

    Of heaven and its mysteries.

    Thus ye live on high, and then

    On the earth ye live again;

    And the souls ye left behind you

    Teach us, here, the way to find you,

    Where your other souls are joying,

    Never slumber`d, never cloying.

    Here, your earth - born souls still speak

    To mortals, of their little week;

    Of their sorrows and delights;

    Of their passions and their spites;

    Of their glory and their shame;

    What doth strengthen and what maim: -

    Thus ye teach us, every day,

    Wisdom, though fled far away.

    Bards of Passion and of Mirth

    Ye have left your souls on earth!

    Ye have souls in heaven too,

    Double - lived in regions new!

    the whole poem is summed up by the last stanza, -

    O ye singers , o ye Bards, you have left your souls here on earth, but your souls sojourn truly in Heaven ! You have a double -life as though !

    You teach us the way of heaven, teach to high, lofty and noble ! You sing the notesof the sweet and true of the Elysian fields. Be the sweet Nightingale , O Bards !

    Ode on the Poets ( John Keats )ODE ON THE POETS. Bards of Passion and of Mirth. Ye have left your souls on earth! Have ye souls in heaven too,. Double-lived in regions new? ... - 3k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

    Ode on the Poets Book Review3 Apr 2007 ... Ode on the Poets Book Review - This is the earliest of Keats odes In fact no other ode by Keats is ... Ode on the Poets by John Keats 2007 ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

  2. The summary is right there in front of you in the poem. You just have to write it down as prose.

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