
How can you break someones arm/leg while defending from multiple attackers?

by  |  earlier

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i am a trained martial artist but i am looking for more of a self defense answer




  1. kick them in the nuts and then the knee lol

    and it sounds to me like your about to get jumped lol

  2. The other two answers not withstanding(kick the arm wtf micpling? have you ever trained a day in your life? this is not the movies.), it would be extremly difficult to break an arm or leg against multiple opponents and still accomplish the main goal of self defense, survival.

    While you are tied up with one guy the others are going to use your head as a target. No matter how good you are, it is going to take some time to do an arm or leg brek while standing, or on the ground, and while you are focusing on this, the rest of your attackers have free shots.

    Despite what many will tell you it is not really that easy to blow someones knee out unless you are highly trained. You must hit it pretty exactly and with a lot of force, but many would have you beleive it is easy, but it's not.

    remember the main goal of self defense is not necessairily to finish your opponent, but to get away and survive. I would advise doing everything in your power to avoid getting in a grappling situation, unless you know that getting a lock or choke on, and threatining to break something will make the others back off.

  3. can you do it to one? yes? then why not many

  4. pick the one that appears to be the weakest (or the closest to you), grab the hand joint, push the body away, his hand close to you and kick the elbow. don't let go of the hand, he will be your defense.

    lined your attackers in one line (bear in mind that the guy with broken arm is in front of you) by going to a not too secluded corner (to assist break away). once they come rushing, throw the broken arm guy towards them, grab another guy, do the same thing.breaking someones leg is harder in real life except if you are a Muay Thai kickboxer( their legs are made of steel!).

    does not sound good in words, but if you learn aikido, this is easy. just watch for opportunity.

  5. If you can get some videos of the KOREAN or CHINESE or TAIWANESE or THAI and JAPANESE  police forces responding to multiple assailants situations you get an idea.

    All these police forces are highly trained in their countrys martial arts some started in early child hood but in those situations out comes the batons the pepper spray the tazers and even water cannon the last resort being the gun.You will definitely not see any martial arts or anything resembling martial arts.You may see an arm lock as the suspect is hauled away to the paddy wagon but that's after an enthusiastic application of the baton to his head and shoulders.

    Like judo said get an equalizer or run.

  6. With a bat, a tire iron, or some other improvised heavy object swung at full force... or let the bullet's impact shatter bone on it's way in...

    That is a realistic self defense answer...

    Doing any kind of complicated move, or thinking you can line guys up is not. First off, multiple attacker scenarios rarely present themselves in the way people think..

    i.e. crowd of dudes coming at you a few at time...

    No, most of the time you don't realize it is a multiple attacker scenario. All you know is that you are beating some guy's @ss, and then suddenly someone hits you from behind... etc. more blind sided shots follow, and before you know it you are on the ground in the fetal position protecting you vital organs.

    People training for multiple attacker scenarios better be going off the assumption that they will get blindsided and they will need to know how to work while being stunned or rocked, and their first thought should be getting away, or grabbing something to help them get away, and not standing their ground trying to fight or break arms...

    So, most of the time you won't see it coming or know you are in one a multiple attacker scenario at the start of a conflict.

    Breaking arms is more a breaking of the joint. Which means dynamically snapping on a joint lock and taking the eblow joint past it's range of motion in a quick fashion. Keep in mind, breaking someone's arm doesn't necessarily mean they are going to stop fighting, or that it will stop anyone else. It just means they aren't going to be able to effectively use that arm. A combination of shock, and adrenaline can allow a person to fight through a broken joint. (See the tons of professional Athletes and Olympians who have gone on to win competetions whilst severely injuring joints, or breaking bones).

    In all honesty, you want to get out of a multiple attacker scenario, escape as least amount of hurt as you can escape with, not leave a trail of bodies behind you, because that isn'r reality. It doesn't matter if you grapple, strike, or blast someone with Chi, reality is that there is no advantageous place to be in a multiple attacker scenario, because it is all bad, you are vulnerable standing, on the ground, or in the air dangling by a wire... whatever.

    A true self defense answer is to be armed, dangerous, and always vigilant. If you do find yourself in a multiple attacker scenario, your best bet is to increase your combat factor with weapons, obviously the better the weapon and your proficiency at it, the more your factor increases, and look for the easiest escape route while drawing the most attention you can.

    That may not sound as cool as kicking joints, and doing Aikido flowing joint locks, or dynamic breaks, but it is the most realistic.

    And you can hope for everything that is holy that they also do not have weapons as well.

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