
How can you call yourself a christian and be pro obama?

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How can you call yourself a christian and be pro obama?




  1. Better yet how can you call yourself a Christian and be pro-choice?  They make up their own rules as they go along instead of what is morally and ethically right.    

  2. I am an atheist and I support Obama!

  3. Saying " I'm Christian and pro Obama" is all it takes. It's really not that difficult. Freedom of religion means anyone can define themselves and their religion the way they see it. No one needs permission from anyone else to call him or herself a Christian.

    Hope this helps

  4. because this Christian knows that abortion is a "wedge issue" and not a political issue.  

    If abortion is that important to you, how can you call yourself a Christian and be a Republicna.  From 2000-2006, the Republicans owned the White House and both Houses of Congress.  They did NOTHING about the abortion issue.  You have been duped by the Republican Party.

  5. I could turn this back around on you. Don't be so self-righteous. It is very ugly.

  6. Yes!  So, true!  How can anyone sit there and say they're a true Christian and not JUDGE someone?  I mean...that's what the Bible says, right? Christians are supposed to judge others.

    I think a better question would've been: How can John McCain call himself a Christian when he committed adultery against his first wife and married the adulteress within days of the divorce?  

    HOWEVER,  I would like to mention for my own sake, that I DO NOT JUDGE McCain for being a bit of a **** in his early days.  Indeed, I do not care about his wife's drug addiction or her history of extorting funds from her father's corporation to pay for that drug addiction.  Rather I care that McCain is a bumbling idiot who is beginning to make George Dubya look like Albert Einstein in comparison.  And I would've never thought that possible.

    Good times!  Power to the people!

  7. How about "C"? "Judge not lest ye be judged".

  8. you obama haters are going to sound stupid. you have the right to your own opinion but at least have a reason why.....something to back it up. I'm a christian obama supporter. whats wrong with you? would you rather have mcCain who smiles and sings bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb iran? does he not have any respect for others lives? how can you smile and sing something like that when you are talking about taking someones life? answer that one!

    a video for you.....enjoy.

  9. I'm kinda Christian and pro Obama...And I resent some self-righteous fundamentalist malfunction like you trying to deprive me of my spiritual beliefs because you think that you are Gods personal pet.

    Why don't you fold up your revivalist tent and go wander the freakin desert until you can appreciate REAL religion #%^$#.

  10. I am a very devout Christian and pro obama. I am also pro life, but neither of the candidates believe exactly what I believe, nor should I expect them to. Even though Obama is pro choice, I still agree with his ideas more than those of McCain. Voting for a candidate means picking one that in your opinion would be better for the country. My religious views are separate than my views on how the country should be run, because America is not a country made up of people practicing just one religion. There are many views and religious beliefs in this country and it is in the spirit of America that we come together and choose a candidate that will embody the everyday hope and spirit of the American people, no matter what their religious views are. I am a Christian, but I feel that Obama is better for America. He's not running to be the leader of Christianity or any other religion, he's running to be president of this country. We Christians cannot force the entire country to practice our views, nor can any other religion do the same, that is the beauty of America, in order to uphold that beauty as Christians and Americans, we must strive to maintain our own moral code while at the same time respecting others and choosing a leader of the country that will help protect our freedom to practice that idea and keep our country strong.

  11. They must be forgetting that part of the Bible where Jesus said that homosexuality is gross and abortion is murder. (sarcasm)

  12. I'm not a Christian and am prObama.

    How could you be a Christian and oppose healthcare for poor people? Would Jesus be more concerned about how much money you make or the well being of humans?

    I win, you lose.

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