
How can you claim to be independent when you carry the bucket for the oil industry?

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Drill, baby, drill!

Burn, baby, burn!

How does this policy deliver anything but profit?




  1. Wait, how can you be independent and want more oil? Is that your question? How can you be a Libtard and be conscious at the same time? That's a better question. Point blank. You guys are stupid.

  2. Well, Mr. Neuman it's like this. The oil companies have a product that America needs and wants. If you dislike them so much, just quit supporting them by buying their products! Think of the money you'll save. No automobiles, no bicycles either since they have components that come from oil. Get rid of that TV (plastic), your kitchen and appliances. Throw out that easy boy recliner and couch. Get rid of the carpet.

    In fact I guess you'd have to just build a hut like BHO's brother and live off the land out in the woods.  Have at it!

    McCain/Palin '08

  3. I suppose you never:

    1. Drive a car

    2. Ride a bus

    3. Use anything made of plastic

    4. Use anything transported by truck, rail or air

    5. Heat/cool your home.

    .... and of course your computer is constructed of mud and straw, powered by a dynamo connected to your wooden stationary bike.

  4. One of McCain’s last independent policies putting him at odds with Bush was his opposition to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, yet he has now picked a running mate who has opposed holding big oil accountable and been dismissive of alternative energy while focusing her work on more oil drilling in a wildlife refuge and off of our coasts. While the northern edge of her state literally falls into the rising Arctic Ocean, Sarah Palin says, ‘The jury is still out on global warming.’ She’s the one hanging the jury — and John McCain is going to let her.

    Indeed, Palin’s much ballyhooed confrontations with the oil industry have all been about who should get more of the windfall profits, not how to end our addiction.

  5. It won't benefit most Americans. It's a joke.

  6. That's what she told Levi Johnston when he took her daughter Bristol out -- DRILL, BABY, DRILL!

  7. And gas to the cars we drive, plane we fly in, trains that deliver goods and oil to the electric plants, ect ,ect ,ect.

  8. As governor of Alaska she has no control over the oil companies except to tax them more.  The oil that is drilled belongs to the oil companies, they sell it the the highest bidder.  More drilling does not equate to more oil for us, it does make more profit for the oil companies with can then be taxed, which is what Obama wants to do. Palin did it in Alaska and now it's ok with McCain?

  9. Yadda... yadda... yadda... I suppose that you fuel your car with one of those "water fuel" devices one sees on the web all the time.. get real, we need oil.. and someone to get that oil... they're called "Oil Companies".. get over it and find a *REAL* issue...

  10. My buckets got a hole in it.

  11. Stupid question.  Spend our money on our own oil here, get our own tax revenue.  National security through energy Independence.

  12. You get what you pay for.

    No one will give you quality goods without cost,

    why be at odds with a supplier? Get along is not

    the same as 'carry the bucket'.  

  13. One of his friends stated that McCain had a sense of humor?

    It must be a elitist rich persons humor, that we lower down don't quite get.?

  14. Just how long do you think it will take to get the alternatives in place? Should we just buy oil during this time?

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