
How can you classify good and bad?

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How can you really know if a person is good or bad?

Do the qualities of good or bad actually exist?

Good or Bad depend on a person's perspective or opinion.

So something I hold good might be bad for another person.

A murderer might consider a murder as a good thing.

So do Good or Bad qualities exist?




  1. I asked a similar question before, and got some good answers. Check it out:

  2. there is no such thing as consistent definition of what is good and bad, bad ideas could actually be good ideas and good ideas might prove to be it is pointless trying to argue in saying that there is only one truth like what christianity is trying to claim.

  3. Easy.

    If you don't want something done to you, it's not a good idea to do it to someone else.

    It's called empathy.

  4. "Good" & "bad" are ALWAYS relative measures... Is it bad to kill a child? Of course.  But what if the child has a bomb strapped to it and is about to crawl into a hospital full of 30 children? If you shoot that one infant you will save 30 more.  

    But what if those 30 children as the last 30 humans in the world infected with a disease that you know will kill millions if it escapes the hospital? Would it not now be a very bad thing to not allow the hospital to be blown up?

    Good and bad "qualities", like good & bad choices, are always relative...

  5. I think about this issue all the time. You have to base everything on your specific experiences. My experiences render me to believe that yes, there are bad people and there are good people. Bad people come in many ways -- they could be that person who neglects and abuses their child and knows that they can get away with it. Or that person who would rather keep only himself satisfied than being able to change the happiness of the world. Everybody can do bad things, but there are just some people who have a glimmer of good inside them and there are people who are weak and selfish and don't see the good of the world. It's not that there is no "right" answer or that it is relative, it is that there are so many perspectives to account for, which are all true.

    It is bad to do something against your happiness and other people's happiness and if you do not know that it is bad, then you are probably a sociopath and incapable of distinguishing right from wrong. In that case, you are not going to be a very productive part of the world. If you are not productive, you don't instinctively know how to survive because it would mean the survival of other humans, it would mean the care of at least part of the environment that you live in. So bad would be death, the absence of light, nothingness, counterproductivity.  

  6. a good person can be bad sometimes.

    a bad person can be good sometimes

    just don't jump into conclusions too fast.give yourself enough time to judge.



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