
How can you clean crayon off of a felt board?

by  |  earlier

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My 3-year old son got a Thomas the Train felt board for Christmas. One day, as I was cooking, he colored with black crayon on it. I have tried to clean it with a baby wipe, but I am afraid to use anything harsher in case in makes it worse. Does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. There is an old trick using wax paper and a low setting iron...I have never tried it but its suppose to take crayon off of cloth.  I would be afraid to try it though.   Read the following and see what you think:

    Good luck.

  2. windex! it gets out EVERYTHING!

    hope it works

  3. Try the Mr Clean magic erasers, they work wonders!! I don't know if it will work on felt, you'd have to try it, but it works on everything else.

  4. kim and aggie from bbc's how clean is your house probably know the trick.

    look through here

    they use all natural stuff too.

  5. easy... mr.cleans magic eraser... you can buy them at any drugstore.. walgreens...cvs....or any supermarket.. or store such as walmart or kmart or target.

  6. I assume you've already scraped off any wax that will come off, by rubbing with the wipe.  Cover the crayon marks with several thicknesses of absorbent paper towels.  Then Iron over it with a just-warm iron.  Just press down, don't iron back and forth.  Every time you pick up the iron, change the paper towel.  When no more comes up, you can try one of those products you spray on and let dry that's supposed to "lift out" the stain.

    Good luck!

  7. I also think the Mr Clean erasers will work.  Just keep them out of your sons reach.  Good luck!

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