
How can you combine pictures together!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i want to combine 3 pics. 2 of the pics are HUGE! i tried on word, but that diddnt work out. i want to know how. if someone wants to, they can do it for me, but if not. im willing to do the work.




  1. You will need Microsoft Paint (or another photo/graphic editing program like Adobe Photoshop):

    Just open one main background picture in Paint that you want on the page. You can adjust the dimensions by clicking on the Images menu and then Attributes. Or clicking the bottom right corner and dragging, while holding down the shift key. You'll have to trial and error this to get it exactly the way you want it.

    Open the second image, then go to the Edit menu and select "Select All", then "Copy." Then, click on the main image and paste the small image onto the main image. Adjust the the positioning. Then, save it.

    NOTE: Once you position it and save the entire image, you can't undo it. (Save the background as new file name each time - just in case you want to go back and start from a certain point). Really, it's best to do this type of working in an editing program that allows layering like Adobe Photoshop. But just work with what you have.

  2. photoshop them together =)

  3. how are you going to use tape in the Word program? You must use staples not tape

  4. I use a program for that the name is paint shop pro 7

  5. with tape

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