
How can you compare Obama to Palin?

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:: 4 years at New York Public Interest Research Group, a non partisian political organization. 3 years as a community organizer on the south side of chicago"""


What has Obama done to be C in C............................. besides remembering his grandfather fought in WW2?




  1. What's even more interesting about these comparisons is that Palin is not running for President, Obama is. Why is his running against McCain's VP?

    The answer is obvious.

  2. There is no comparison: Palin, the vice presidential nominee, is more qualified than Obama, the presidential nominee.

    City Council 1992-1996: Elected for two terms (4 years)

    Mayor: 1996-2002 Elected for two terms, (4 years) Also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors

    Ethics Commissioner: 2003-2004 (1 year) Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. She resigned in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders.

    Governor: 2006-2008 (2 years)

    Palin: Grand total of 11 years in service to elected/appointed positions.

    Palin GOVERNED for six years as mayor and Governor.

    Obama: Grand total of 9 years in service in elected positions. As Senator (state and federal) his job was to talk about policies, propose policies, and vote on policies. NO EXPERIENCEWITH GOVERNING -- AT ALL!!!!!!!)

  3. Palin - 2 years being a Governor

    Obama - 2 years of being a State Senate

    Palin - Before was a Mayor

    Obama - Before was a Lawyer

  4. Well, for one thing, Obama got a really good deal from a guy named Tony Rezko on some real estate in Chicago.

  5. i don't know why i am trying to reason with such an ANGRY person.  stop being so angry, u're gonna get an ulcer or something.  but to answer your question, i personally haven't compared Obama and Palin.  i simply resent Palin as a VP choice for the Repubs because it undermines some really effective talking points they have had against Obama.  i mean, hammering his inexperience has been working for them!    Obama lost his lead!!  but when I compare Obama's choice to McCains choice, that's when the plot thickens.  Obama didn't make a perfect choice, either.  but it was much better.  

  6. he hasnt done anything.

  7. oooh, commander of alaska national guard.  You do know that the federal gov't generally does the actual commanding of national guard during any emergencies, right?  

    Or do you think she and her guard have been fighting off the russians and canadians these last 20 months?

    Obama was also head of the Harvard review, graduated magna *** laude (that means with great honors... high grades) and has 8 years as a state senator and the last 4 as senator in washington.  

  8. Well she isn't the saviour of mankind like I am, so we really aren't comparable.

  9. You forgot about his grandmother acting weird toward people on the streets...

  10. Don't underplay the fact that Obama expanded the United States. Now thanks to him, we have 57 states instead of 50.

  11. We hate what we cannot become, sweetie..and jelousy does not become you.

    It's okay,I know you wanna be him so badly.

  12. Obama thinks Palin's daughter is punished with a baby, while Palin believes her daughter is blessed with a child.

  13. The real question should be WHY would you compare Obama, who is the presidential candidate, to Palin, who is his opponents VP pick? And even worse, there is reasonable doubt that he even has more experience than her!

  14. LOL. Moron.

    You left out a few things:

    - 7 years in Illinois State Legislature.

    - 3 years as a US Senator for Illinois

    - Graduated with high honors from Harvard Law School

    - Runner up for Miss Alaska Beauty Pageant. She didn't even win.

    - Mayor of Wasilla (pop 5000) LOL. There were more people in my high school. I don't think this counts.

    Just because you are governor of Alaska for 2 years doesn't mean you are qualified to be C in C.

    By that metric, Palin has more C in C experience than McCain. He never held an executive office either, lol. Idiot.

  15. You cant compare the two.  Palin was mayor of a town with 6000 people two years ago.  Now she's governor of a state with 648,000 - less than the city of Dayton Ohio.  Obama graduated Magna *** Laude from Harvard Law School.  Did public service on the south side of Chicago and then spent 10 years in the Illinois state senate.  Then became US Senator from one of the largest states in the country.  Then ran a successful presidential campaign against the most sophisticated political machine in history.  Along the way he drew crowds of tens of thousands at each stop.  He visited probably every state in the country in that campaign.  He just finished a trip to the mideast and europe where he talked to leaders of several important nations and drew huge crowds all over the world.  Palin has probably rarely been outside the state of Alaska and her dealings with the media amount to newspapers with 15 subscribers.

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