
How can you contribute to save earth. From huge waste everday?

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How can you contribute to save earth. From huge waste everday?




  1. Make sure when you buy products they are reusable and made from sustainable materials.  

    If you buy a container, don't buy plastic, buy stainless steel or glass.  You can then use these containers again and again.  Both glass and stainless steel will last forever if looked after and can be recycled.  We have had our stainless steel water bottles for years and also our pyrex dishes.  We even take our dishes to restaurants and the butcher when we remember!

    Again for shopping, don't buy or use plastic.  Buy cotton bags or make your own from recycled material.  Use these bags to carry your shopping in and also to put produce in that you buy.  Put some in your everyday bag, hang them near the front door, and keep some in your car.  That way there is no excuse to accept, buy or use plastic.

    Get a worm farm or compost working for all your food, paper and cardboard scraps and when composted use in your vegie patch.

    And all those Mum's out there, please put your little ones in reusable cotton cloth nappies and use with cloth boosters and wipes.  This will save our landfill and waterways from a tremendous amount of toxic and unwanted waste.  If you must use a disposable then use one like Safeties that are 100% biodegradeable and can be broken down by your worms!

    If you do these few small things, you will be amazed at how little rubbish you end up putting in your bin at the end of each week.  We were!

    Here are just a few tips to help us help save our planet!

  2. It's a known knowledge that our planet earth is getting polluted day by day. Every 10 year the global rise in temperature is 1C. The worse part is the cause of pollution is our living style. Yes the things we use are the main cause .But the good thing is we can control over the cause by slightly changing in our living style and habits.

    Step one is use of plastic bags.

    We are used to of using new plastic carrier bags, every time we visit store for shopping we use loads of bags from grocery shopping to every day use .Billions and trillions of bags are produce each year .Plastic bags are waste of resource and also big problem for our environment. Plastic bags take more time in decaying (break down).Its said the poly bags take more than a 100 year to breakdown completely. So any body can guess as each of us use at least 50 bags a month .So the total contributions from all over the world would be more than we estimate.

    We can save our environment by re-using our carrier bags every time we shop. There are loads of scheme in different store who offer points for re-using the poly bags .If not for points but for our children we can contribute a little hand .

    Even if we use carrier bags and so we use one bag less every time we shop means millions of bags less use every year (considering on large scale per house hold).

    Step two is re-cycling.

    We can save by using re-cycling objects like glass, paper, tins, cans, bottles ,printers ,mobile/cell phone, telephones, computers and loads of other things . We can recycle any thing from cloth to tins.

    We will be contributing in reducing the level of refusals and saving energy also. It is publish that Recycling just two tins of aluminium can save us energy to run TV for 6 hours.

    Step three--Be a paper less where possible

    As we all know paper come from the trees and trees are best source and contributor to fight against pollution.

  3. reuse things like supermarket plastic bags, paper (writing on the back of the paper), etc

    recycle things

  4. Maybe if everyone comitted suicide, we would have less impact on Earth. But the volcano's, and natural disater's would still pollute more than we ever could.

  5. Here's a fun challenge! Can you go a day without throwing anything away?

    When they say, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, they meant it to stay in that order. Priority goes to reducing, so you don't have to even throw stuff away. Reusing materials takes less energy than recycling, and recycling should be the last resort in the green field. Throwing stuff in the waste bag? That's just a serious taboo in the green community today. Although we all do it, we must make the conscious choice to really follow the three R's... in that order!

    Here's some stuff I do

    - use scratch paper to print stuff on

    - print out using lowest ink setting

  6. Don't try to think beyond your reach, just contribute little everyday and you will get the results......

    1.Stop wasting food

    2.Send old stuffs for recycle

    3.Utilise energy efficiently.

    Thats it. Put this in ur eveyday life.

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