
How can you controll what you dream?

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what are some ways you can controll what you dream and like things like that also are there any ways you can tell when you are dreaming




  1. You can help control aspects of your dreams through lucid dreaming, which can be learned.  Wikipedia says:  "A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress, also known as a conscious dream. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in the dream environment..."

    Some people help themselves dream about certain things by writing on a piece of paper, "Tonight I will have a dream about..." before going to bed.  Before going to sleep repeat to yourself "Remember to dream about..."   Of course, you have to remember the dream when you wake up, which takes practice in itself.

    But first you might want to ask yourself, why you would want to control your dreams in the first place?  Some people who have nightmares can help themselves by recognizing when they're in a dream and reduce the nightmare's impact.  So, that would be a positive use of lucid dreaming.

    But, the great thing about dreams is that they provide our minds a way of working things out and releasing the stress in our everyday lives.  If we try to control too much we may deprive ourselves of some much-needed catharsis.

  2. you can't really control what you dream. you're body's going to sleep and your brain relaxes and thinks of things that you can't control. maybe you'll wake up one morning and think or discover that your dream made as much sense as if you would've thought about it yourself.

  3. You can't really control what you dream. What some people do is before they go to sleep they think about what they want to dream about. If you want a good dream, think about bad things. Opposite if you want a bad dream. ( results may vary. )

  4. do you mean lucid dreaming?? there are various ways in which it is beleived you can eventually become concious in the dream state and controll your dreams. it takes along time to get there in most cases though.

    to tell when your are dreaming u can try dream checks-- for example looking around during the day at regular intevals and thinking can i really be doing this.. am i dreaming? for some people doing this reguarly means they do it automatically in their dreams and recognise that they are. also try writing a dream journal....remembering your dreams can sometimes help.

    other dream checks u could try and do are watching for failing of electrical equipment such as watches which can skip hours in wat seems like seconds in a dream, and just watchin for things that shouldnt happen.

    hope this helps.... =] good website in sources --

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