
How can you cure a massive headache?

by  |  earlier

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No drugs plz...i don't take drugs




  1. Just take a hot bath and relax for a few minutes, also try to close ur eyes and put hot towel over ur head.

    Wish you will be better soon,

  2. take pain killers they arent that bad or make brain transplant

  3. its good you dont take drugs..

    go for heavy coffee, or nescafe

    and switch off the room light and close your eyes for a couple of minutes with stretching your legs on a chair in front of you..

    most important is DONT think about  anything :D

  4. some ppl use reflexology

    get some one to press the balls of your big toes, it works for me

  5. ask Rrrrr or rrrr....

    sure one of them has the answer....or the CURE !!

  6. No drugs???!!!!!

    wi ne2fel e7na b2a el saydalya ashan msh 7ane3raf nakol 3eesh keda mn ta7t ras 7adretak?!!

  7. Welcome to my life!

    ... you can drink a cup of hot Yansoon, if you don't want to take Panadol or Painkillers ..

  8. Powerdrill to the affected area 2x a day or as needed

  9. ......, you feel that you want to sneeze and laugh for no reason & when you look at the mirror you find weird creatures ....

    man don't worry it's the symptoms  of NATEEGA  :P

  10. Try drinking a coke.

  11. count the sheeps until it goes out!!!!

    and if it didnt work throw ur mom from da window!!!!

  12. yeah Caffiene takes away headaches..but if you get too much of it the headache will come back stronger when it wears off... sooo....take a little bit of caffiene a half can of coke and then eat a banana..for the potassium... and lie down in a dark place, that hopefully is quiet and not to hot or cold. Also you might be getting a headache because your blood sugar is dropping to low.. eat some fruit...

  13. Take about 3 small  towels and fold them to the size of your forehead, or where it hurts. Soak the folded towels in very hot water, even boiling water. Use tongs or a couple of spoons to squeeze the excess water out. Fold a dry towel over the wet ones, and it will soak up more water. Lay down and put the hot towels on the part that hurts. It should be as hot as you can stand. You my need to lift the towel once  in a while when it's hot. As the towels cool off, take off the bottom towel, and the next towel inside will be hotter.

    The heat relaxes the muscles in your head, and opens the blood vessels. This works better than any drug!

  14. Panadol?

    Oh right, I forgot. Panadol is a drug.

    Just drink water then. or get more sleep.

  15. Panadol Extra is a Magical cure, it is NOT a drug

    and try to get some sleep after that

  16. you can use a funky rubon and make it too tight arround your head

    specially if the rubon's pink with orange'll feel just great

  17. Coffee? Coke?

    Caffeine is one of the causes of headaches! Don't drink those, they'll make it worse!

    Think of healthy things to drink - water is the best for headaches.

    I get migraines, I usually lie in a dark room and take paracetamol, but if you don't do that, then the greatest of respect to you. Headaches hurt like crazy and make you feel so sick. Hope you feel better soon - and get away from a computer screen, that's not going to help either.

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