
How can you curl your hair with...?

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only a hair dryer and a comb/brush

i don't have hairspray or anything or a hair curler so i was wondering if you curl curl your hair without using them

if that's not possible can you strighten your hair with only a hair dryer and a brush

thanks =)




  1. this wont curl it all the way but you can take a shower before you go to sleep then braid pigtails and then take them out in the morning and your hair will be very wavy. hope this helps :]

  2. if you have a round brush you can curl the bottoms by just turning the brush around your hair and blow drying at the same time.  If you only have a flat brush or a comb you can straighten it.  Just pull your hair straight with the brush and blow dry that section.  Do it in like 2-3" sections.

  3. i dont think u can curl it, but u can straighten it... it wont be perfectly straightened but it will be straight... just do a little section at a time

  4. don't hold the dryer close to your hair and shake your hair around when you dry it, same goes for the hair dryer - move it around!

  5. yes you cann straightennn. and to curll justt gett youurr haiir wett and like scrunnchh ihht w. yourr hanndsss and ihht willl kindd of come outt scrunchedd/ curlledd and thenn keep doinng thatt and dryy ihht <3(:  

  6. You can't curl it, but you could straighten it or make it flippy on the ends. First, put your hair into sections. Then, blow-dry each section using the brush. Be sure to angle the blow-dryer down as you blow-dry. Continue with the rest of your hair!

  7. Umm i just did it but my hair is naturally really frizzy and thick but if you have a round brush you wrap the hair around the brush (sorry I can't explain it well) and u blowdry and you do it a little by little. Sorry it's really hard to explain. You should have little curls on the ends of your hair. I'm not good at explaining! But yeah u can curl your hair with a round brush and a blow dryer :)

  8. If you have straight hair then use a round brush and blowdry down to achieve straight hair. To curl my straight hair, I like to wrap for sections of my hair in buns and blowdry

  9. yes straighten it no curling

  10. yeah you can straighten it. but i don't think you can curl

  11. You can curl your hair with a brush and drier. Wrap the hair round the brush as you would a roller and blow it with the drier. Keep doing this in sections until you have done it all. It is better if the hair ius slightly damp. I am a mobile hairdresser.

  12. straighten, yes. Pull the brush slowly through your hair and hold the hair dryer on high slightly above it, following the brush

  13. yes you can straighten your hair..with a hair dryer and a brush..but you have to make sure your hair is wet when you dry it and then brush it straight

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