
How can you deal with stress/loneliness when you are pregnant and your husband is not there by your side?

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I am so lonely and experiencing high stress during this time, my eye problem was recurring too.

My husband is a US soldier and we will not see each other until October (my due date).

2 seconds ago - 3 days left to answer




  1. Thank you to you and your husband. It's a hard time I understand my husband was over sea's a year ago and that was hard. Here is what I did to not be so lonely. I made a scrape book of things we did together while we were dating and engaged. We also rented movies together and watched them when he had off of a mission  It might be hard from him to get a recent movie but they have a MWR on every base so its not impossible for him to get a movie then we would talk about them on Yahoo messanger. We also tryed to do at least one or two web cam chats a week even if it ment I had to get up early in the morning my time It helped.

  2. You sweetie...hang in there... call friends and family.... support groups... mine just got back in September and they have already asked him to volunteer to go back....

  3. how about family?? and friends

  4. Hang out with your family and friends.  In Ontario, we have an Early Years center near by, and they are a great resource, see if there's a program like that near you.  Your doctor or midwife will know.  Keep him posted as much as you can, you'll both feel more connected that way.

  5. Stay in touch with him with him as often as possible. Have him leave you messages that you can replay over and over so you feel connected.  Pregnancy is a stressful time even with him there do try to relax as much as possible.  And make sure you take care of that eye problem as best possible.  I am sorry that this is such a rough time for you.

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